JW TV is the reason for the hysteria in the KH

by campaign of hate 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers
    Propaganda is a powerful thing.  Put a believable face behind anything and it will be eaten up by those susceptible non-critical thinking people.  Everyone's trying to sell you something.....
  • steve2

    The good news is:

    The crazier their message becomes, the more unappealing their message is to anyone with active brain cells. Hence the remarkable trend in many countries in which baptisms consist mainly of born-ins (in contrast to decades ago when "newly interested ones" were streaming into the organization).

    Unfortunately, crazy religions have always been fodder for people who cannot - or will not - think for themselves. We can whip ourselves up into a speculative frenzy over "what's next" in the JW organization, but the reality is people who refuse to see what's in front of them must take responsibility for their wilful blindness. I will not lose one second's sleep over other's stupidity.

  • UFCFan

    At least most of you are adults who don't have to watch JWTV if you don't like it.

    I get forced to watch it and have to pretend to like it every month for family study and it's like water boarding for your brain.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot
    I wonder what impact it would make on a non JW to be invited to a meeting only to watch a cartoon.
  • Esse quam videri
    Esse quam videri

    Vidiot said,

    "...They'd save something that big for the "Instructions That May Seem Strange or Unusual" 2015 Regional Convention...."

    How about Witnesses that may seem strange and unusual.

    Or  scenarios that may seem 'strange and unusual'

    or children's cartoons that may seem ' strange and unusual'?

  • smiddy


        Welcome from australia , obviously you are young person  dependant on your parents and comply with their requests which is what you should do living under their house until you are old enough to branch out on your own. .

    Sorry you have to put up with the crap in the meantime , you will learn a lot from this site .

    Take care


  • MissFit

    UFCFFan welcome: we are here if you need to vent. Smiddy is right, if you are under age and depending on  your parents, grit your teeth and and comply out of respect for them.

     There are many adults here that are going through the motions and complying because they don't want to lose their spouse or family.  

    So even as adults we are sometimes forced into doing things we dont like to keep the peace.

    Use this time now to make a plan for a non JW future if that is what you want.

    Many here can give you great advice.

    Why don't you start a thread about yourself and your struggle and frustrations?

    Just remember you still need to respect your folks but you can practice thinking for yourself. 

    Ps what do your folks think of the broadcast?

  • cappytan

    UFCFan: if you're not already, don't get baptized to go through the motions. 

    Say you love Jehovah, want to dedicate your life to him, but want to make sure the desires incidental to youth don't cause you to stumble and displease your God. That will put them off for another year or two.

    Then, you could always tell them you touched a girls boob at school and that's why you don't feel right get baptized. You want to have a "clean conscience" before Jehovah.

    there are many ways to deal with it and put it off.

  • UFCFan

    Thanks for the replies guys, I might start a thread later.

    The thing is, my parents are nice, I'm not sure if I want to get shunned by them when I leave. The problem is that even though they're good parents, they're mostly brainwashed into 'the truth'. Not that long ago I asked some hypothetical questions about leaving and I believe they wouldn't be very happy with me if I said I wanted to leave the truth.

    Well, I know for a fact that my dad watches porn(even hours after a talk at the KH about porn), so he's probably less into the religion then my mom, but she's completely in. They're really into the JWTV, one of the reasons that watching it annoys me so much is because I have to listen to them talk about how good it is and I have to pretend to like it also so it's not suspicious.

    As for the future, I plan on either going to college at USC, Texas A&M, or the University of Wisconsin if I can get into either of those schools. I'll make up something about wanting to go to college and then pioneer, but I'll probably move across the country afterwards.

  • cofty

    Welcome UFCfan - I like your plan. Good for you!

    This made me laugh..

    it's like water boarding for your brain.

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