Seeking Jesus

by Leolaia 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl


    I try to take the Bible as it applies to me in modern life. Trust in Jesus is not a religion, but a faith. The Bible is only a guide to us in modern life. It has a good rule of living, as does several other faiths' books of code. I will never know God, as he cannot be totally known, but I can know his qualities. His qualities are given me by the Bible. They are also shown in the Koran and other books of faith. But it seems that supreme among all of these codes in all of these books of faith is the rule of love: that someone should love others as he loves himself, and above all, love God. When you follow the Golden Rule, it pretty much covers every conceivable situation.

    That about covers it.


  • MerryMagdalene


    What a throught-provoking, beautifully expressed post with which to begin a thread! Makes me wish LT was around.

    "Seeking Jesus"...

    As a JW I only had the vaguest and most distant sense of who Jesus may have been, with no feeling of personal connection or relationship or current reality at all. And the God to whom I found myself praying seemed always to be revealing Him/Herself to my mind and heart as being quite different from the One about whom I was being taught.

    After I left the JW path, I explored a variety of other religious beliefs and practices, eventually feeling most at home with a very experimental, exploratory, eclectic pagan-type path of my own construct, based greatly on inclinations that were strongly present throughout my childhood in spite of my careful and closed-off 4th-generation JW upbringing. I had no interest in Jesus or Christianity at all and did not seek for him out of either historical curiosity or spiritual need. Nor did I have anything against him, feeling that if he existed he has probably been grossly misunderstood and misrepresented for the most part.

    But then something happened, during just this past month or so, with which I have yet to come to terms. For whatever reason, I have seems Jesus revealed (and is continuing to reveal) himself to me, and I'm a bit mind-boggled. I did not expect this, nor did I seek for him by name or concept, but here he is, and it's truly amazing. Still not sure what to make of it though. In fact, I think I feel almost embarassed to confess it. It was quite a surprise and didn't quite fit in where I thought I was headed in my spirituality.


  • frankiespeakin


    Your view point is very prejudical, and will certainly cause a narrow mindedness. You are only allowing yourself to suppose good. That slants your view piont terribly.

  • frankiespeakin


    You are getting in touch with the Son of God archetype, be careful not to let it inflate you,,you should look up some carl Jung or a good Transpersonal psyhiatirist they could really be of some good help to you so your experience turns into a good one.

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist
    that hardly anyone thinks to question it.... but now I am pretty much satisfied that all the evidence availible points to him being a religious myth rather than a real person.
    I think you are putting the horse before the cart. There are lots of possiblities, and when you settle on one, you become prejudice to anything that favors your already drawn conclusion.

    actually the thing hard for many to see is that those who make the claim for reality are the ones who need to provide the evidence of that reality otherwise all they have is a BS [belief system] story or a myth or a legend without substance....and that is what I have found by examining all the evidence availible that there is not sufficient evidence to say Jesus was more than a re-worked myth.

  • frankiespeakin

    I think if a person is seeking Jesus they would not limit themselves to the limited catholic bible cannon, and must without prejudice examine the others sources of information. If you only accept what a certain institution provideds then your perception is severly distorted.

  • MerryMagdalene
    You are getting in touch with the Son of God archetype, be careful not to let it inflate you,,you should look up some carl Jung or a good Transpersonal psychiatrist they could really be of some good help to you so your experience turns into a good one.

    Thanks, Frankie. I appreciate your advice. It's been a long while since I've read any Jung. Can't afford a psychiatrist, but I can go to the library.


  • frankiespeakin


    I'm not saying you view in incorrect, I'm saying you made up you mind prematurely.

  • frankiespeakin


    Find out about acrhetypes if you do then there is a good chance you won't get inflated and actually get some very good insights.

  • frankiespeakin

    Merry, this might give you a little to go on it has some info on the collective unconscious and archetypes: Partial clip: The form of the archetype is only partially determined. Its content is a primal image that can only be given form when it is has become conscious, and thus has become filled with material from the conscious.

    Thus archetypes, when becoming conscious, will shape themselves, for example in myths and fairy tales, depending upon the cultural background of the people. A fairy in Europe, for example will be dressed in medieval or renaissance clothing, while in the East it will wear ancient Eastern clothing and be more djinn like of appearance. The underlying content, however, remains the same wherever you go. Archetypes are like a frame. The frame remains the same, but the image that appears inside the frame will be dependent upon the circumstances.

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