My Prediction: Trump Wins Big

by minimus 193 Replies latest jw friends

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    @Phizzy: I agree with your analysis that Trump will win, then suddenly thousands of exclusively Biden votes will be found.

    It's not the first time Democrats won through mail-in fraud. Look at Ilhan Omar, who recently was caught harvesting thousands of ballots, Al Franken, also caught finding thousands of ballots from felons in the trunk of a car.

    There is even a database of thousands of cases:


    An estimated 100,000 fraudulent ballots were cast in a 1982 Chicago election. After a Justice Department investigation, 63 individuals were convicted of voter fraud, including vote buying, impersonation fraud, fictitious voter registrations, phony absentee ballots, and voting by non-citizens.


    After an extensive investigation of absentee ballot fraud in a 1994 Greene County, Alabama, election, nine defendants pleaded guilty to voter fraud, and two others were found guilty by a jury. The defendants included Greene County commissioners, officials, and employees; a racing commissioner; a member of the board of education; a Eutaw city councilman; and other community leaders. Among other things, the conspirators used an assembly line to mass produce forged absentee ballots meant to swing elections in favor of preferred candidates.


    Allan “Twig” Simmons, an operative for the East Chicago, Indiana, mayor’s campaign, persuaded voters to let him fill out their absentee ballots in exchange for jobs. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to three years of probation and 100 hours of community service. Fraud in the 2003 East Chicago mayoral primary was so widespread that the Indiana Supreme Court ultimately overturned the election results and ordered a special mayoral election that resulted in a different winner.


    Chad Staton, a worker associated with the NAACP National Voter Fund in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, pleaded guilty to 10 felony counts for filing false voter registrations during the 2004 presidential election in exchange for crack cocaine. Staton filled out more than 100 forms in names such as Mary Poppins, Michael Jackson, Michael Jordan, Dick Tracy, and George Lopez.


    Six Democrats from Lincoln County, West Virginia, pleaded guilty to charges of participating in a conspiracy to buy votes dating back to 1990. The indictment charged that the cabal conspired to buy votes in every election held between 1990 and 2004, handing out slates listing preferred candidates and using liquor and cash—typically $20 per vote—to seal the deal. They also laid gravel on roads for supporters and fixed traffic tickets.


    East St. Louis, Illinois, precinct committeemen Charles Powell, Sheila Thomas, Jesse Lewis, and Kelvin Ellis, as well as precinct worker Yvette Johnson, were convicted of conspiracy to commit election fraud after participating in vote buying activities in the 2004 election, including submitting budgets that would allow city funds to be used to pay voters to vote for Democrat candidates.


    ACORN workers in Seattle, Washington, committed what the secretary of state called, “the worst case of voter registration fraud in the history of the state of Washington.” The group submitted 1,762 fraudulent voter registration forms. The group’s leader, Clifton Mitchell, was convicted of false registrations and served nearly three months in jail. Four other ACORN workers on his team also received jail time, and ACORN was fined $25,000 to cover the cost of the investigation.


    Paul Schurick, former campaign manager to Maryland Gov. Robert Ehrlich, a Republican, was convicted of election fraud after approving a robocall to black voters telling them not to vote because the Democrats had already won the 2010 gubernatorial election. A circuit court judge spared Schurick jail time, opting to sentence him to 30 days’ home detention, four years of probation, and 500 hours of community service.


    Robert Monroe, identified by prosecutors as the worst multiple voter in Wisconsin history, pleaded no contest to charges that he voted more than once in 2011 and 2012. Monroe’s record was extensive: he voted twice in the April 2011 Wisconsin Supreme Court election, twice in the 2011 recall election of state Sen. Alberta Darling, and five times in Gov. Scott Walker’s recall election. He also cast an illegal ballot in the August 2012 primary, and voted twice in the 2012 general election.


    While running for re-election, Martin, Kentucky, Mayor Ruth Robinson and a cabal of co-conspirators targeted residents living in public housing and in properties Robinson owned, threatening to evict them if they did not sign absentee ballots that Robinson and her family had already filled out. Robinson also targeted disabled residents, and offered to buy the votes of others. She was convicted and sentenced to serve 90 months’ imprisonment.


    Rosa Maria Ortega, a non-citizen, was found guilty on two counts of voter fraud for voting in the November 2012 general election and the 2014 Republican primary runoff. Ortega claimed she thought she was a citizen, and blamed her lack of education for the mix-up, but prosecutors pointed out that Ortega had previously indicated on a driver’s license application that she was a non-citizen. A judge sentenced her to eight years’ imprisonment, after which she faces the possibility of deportation.

  • FedUpJW

    @ Anony Mous - but. . .But. . .BUT voter fraud doesn't exist! Just ask any democrat.

  • Clarkey

    So you guys think voter fraud from all the States and electoral collages will make Trump lose the election ?

    Speculative theory but highly improbable

  • DesirousOfChange

    Sadly, I learned that my dad, a life long Republican, had voted for Hillary in the last election. He had NEVER done that if he had still been alive!

  • Simon
    Speculative theory but highly improbable

    Why is it improbable? A close race and a few boxes of ballots in key counties could tip things.

    We know the dems cheat at elections. It's what they do and there is more than enough evidence for it. They don't do it for fun, they do it because it changes them from losers to winners.

    Why would they do it if it never changed the results?

  • mickbobcat
    I hope Trump wins and the liberals keep burning down their cities. I hope the prez brings in overwhelming force and gives these nuts a good knock in the head.
  • minimus

    Doc u r hilarious, I had to read that twice to get it.

  • minimus

    You see thousands of people lining up for a Trump rally and almost no one for Biden. This is a regular occurrence. Trump is running for reelection and it shows. Biden takes five days off in a row and stays in his basement.

  • resolute Bandicoot
    resolute Bandicoot

    I read this today, apparently it is a comment from a you tube video made by Katie Hopkins (Katie Hopkins: Strong Woman +2A) The commenter named ‘Secret Service’ was explaining why he will vote Trump, this is good, deserves a copy and paste.

    If you are a liberal who can’t stand Trump, and cannot possibly fathom why conservatives would ever vote for him let me finally fill you in.

    It’s not that we love Donald Trump so much, it’s that we can’t stand you. And we will do whatever it takes — even if that means electing a rude, obnoxious, unpredictable narcissist (your words not ours) to the office of President of the United States — because the only thing we find more dangerous to this nation than Donald Trump is you.

    How is that possible you might ask? Well, you have done everything in your power to destroy our country, from tearing down the police to tearing down our history, to tearing down our borders. From systematically destroying our schools and brainwashing our kids into believing socialism is the answer to anything (despite being an unmitigated failure everywhere) while demonizing religion and faith, and glorifying abortion, violence, and thug culture.

    From calling us racists every time we expect every one of any skin color to follow our laws equally, to telling us that our “tolerance” of lifestyles we don’t agree with isn’t nearly enough — no we must “celebrate” any lifestyle choice or gender option

    (forget science) you throw our direction or you think it’s fine to call us homophobic or some other degrading slur you decide is okay to call us — ironically all while lecturing us on hate speech.

    While you gaslight us about 52 genders, polyamory, grown men in dresses sharing public locker rooms with little girls, and normalize the sexualization of young children, you simultaneously ridicule us for having the audacity to wish someone a “Merry Christmas” or hang a flag on the 4th of July, stand for the national anthem, or (horror of horrors) don a MAGA hat in public! So much for your “tolerance.” (See why we think you are just hypocrites??)

    We’re also not interested in the fact that you think you can unilaterally decide that 250 years of the right-to-bear-arms against a tyrannical or ineffective government should be abolished because you can’t get the violence in the cities you manage under control. That free-speech should be tossed out the window, and that those who disagree with your opinions are fair game for public harassment or doxing, That spoiled children with nose-rings and tats who still live off their parent’s dime should be allowed to destroy cities and peoples livelihoods without repercussions. That chaos, and lawlessness, and disrespect for authority should be the norm.

    This is your agenda. And you wonder why we find you more dangerous than Donald Trump? Your narrative is a constant drone of oppressor/oppressed race-baiting intended to divide the country in as many ways as you possibly can. You love to sell “victim-hood” to people of color every chance you get because it’s such an easy sell compared to actually teaching people to stand on their own two feet and take personal responsibility for their own lives and their own communities and their own futures.

    But you won’t do that, you will never do that because then you will lose control over people of color. They might actually start thinking for themselves, God forbid! This is why we will vote for Donald Trump. Not because he is the most charming character on the block. Not because he is the most polite politician to have ever graced the oval office, but because we are sick to death of you and all of the destructive crap you are doing to this once beautiful and relatively safe country.

    Your ineffective and completely dysfunctional liberal “leadership”(?) has literally destroyed our most beautiful cities, our public education system, and done its damnedest to rip faith out of people’s lives. However bad you think Donald Trump may be, every day we look at you and feel that no matter what Donald Trump says or does there is no possible way he could be any worse for our country than you people are. We are sick to death of your stupid, destructive, ignorant, and intolerant behavior and beliefs — parading as “wokeness.”

    We are beyond sick of your hypocrisy and B.S. We are fed up with your disrespectful divisiveness and constant unrelenting harping and whining and complaining (while you live in the most privileged nation in the world), while making literally zero contributions of anything positive to our society. Your entire focus is on ripping things down, never ever building anything up. Think about fundamentally very wrong in the psychology of people who choose destruction as their primary modus operandi.

    Democrats are all “Sociopaths”. (Use “Duck Duck Go’ to look it up because I don’t use Google for any reason). Vote OUT every Democrat because they are all on the same destructive agenda.

    If Donald J Trump is reelected, don’t blame us, look in the mirror, and blame yourselves. Because you are the ones that are responsible for the rise of Donald Trump. You are the ones who have created this monster that you so despise, by your very actions. By your refusal to respect your fellow Americans and the things that are important to us.

    You have made fun of the “fly-over states,” the people who “cling to their guns and religion,” the middle-class factory workers and coal miners and underprivileged rural populations that you dismissively call “yahoos” and “deplorables.” You have mocked our faith and our religion.

    You have mocked our values and our patriotism. You have trampled our flag and insulted our veterans and treated our first responders with contempt and hatred. You have made environmentalism your religion while trashing every city you have taken responsibility for.

    You scream from the rooftops about “global warming” and a “green new deal” while allowing tens of thousands of homeless people to cover your streets in literal sh*t, garbage, needles, and plastic waste without doing a single thing to help them or solve the environmental crisis your failed social policies are creating. But we’re supposed to put YOU in charge of the environment while gutting our entire economy to institute this plan when you can’t even clean up a single city?? You complain — endlessly — yet have failed to solve a single social problem anywhere. In fact, all you have done is create more of them.

    We’ve had enough. We are tired of quietly sitting by and being the “silent” majority. So don’t be surprised when the day comes when we finally respond. And trust me it’s coming, sooner than you might think. And also trust me when I say it won’t be pretty. Get ready. If Donald Trump is reelected it will be because you and your “comrades” have chosen to trash the police, harass law-abiding citizens, and go on rampages destroying public property that we have all paid for and you have zero respect for.

    If Donald Trump is reelected it will be because we are sick of your complete and utter nonsense and destruction. How does it feel to know that half of this country finds you FAR more despicable than Donald J. Trump, the man you consider to be the anti-Christ? Let that sink in. We consider you to be more despicable, more dangerous, more stupid, and more narcissistic than Donald Trump Maybe allow yourself a few seconds of self-reflection to let that sink in.

    This election isn’t about Donald Trump vs. Joe Biden. This is about Donald Trump vs. YOU. So if on the morning of November 4th Donald J. Trump is reelected, the only people you have to blame are the left-wing media drones and yourselves.

    You did this. Yep you.


  • LV101

    Mail-in ballot corruption is mammoth so it will take many votes for Trump to WIN - he WINS legally but the Marxist Left will steal if at all possible w/game plan. It's like COVID and MASKS - little control trial and they WON!

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