I was a winner!!

by morty 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • morty

    I made our local news yesterday morning...To my surprise, I won the Christmas give away, live on T.V.

    I was so surprised..They drew my name and I had 10 mins to call in and answer their skill testing question

    to win...I was a mess...The question was.....drum roll.................Spike..........................................................

    .............................................What is your phone number?????..I could not believe it...After sweating it out and

    yelling at hubby to find the calculator, thats what they come with......Anyways, my prize was $2000.00 dollars in

    gift certificates from my city... They asked me to go live, on the T.V. this morning but I talked my way out of that one

    ( its not my bag)....so just when I thought x-mas was going to be tight this year, good old Saint Nick pulled through for

    me and my family.....Just wanted to share my happiness...


  • morty

    I dont know how this got under a heated debate????ummmh, maybe one of the mods would change it for me under

    " get the horseshoe out of your a$$"...j/k......could you please put it under something else.....No debate here

    Thanks, Morty

  • TheSilence


    What will you be buying us all with your winnings ;)



    Congratulations Morty!!!!!

    Way to go!!!


  • morty


    No problem....if things are tight for you, I have know problem shareing....What ever you need....

    Estee....Thanks a million...I never win at anything, so this was a big surprise

  • TheSilence

    :::chuckling::: how sweet, but I was just joking. Trust me, after all the money I've spent on the neices and nephew for Christmas it's only my own fault if I end up short ;)

    I'm so happy for you, though... and I loved the card, thanks... I mailed mine out yesterday and the post office said they should be delivered (even out of country which I found impressive) in 4-7 days... so look for it to show up.

    Buy yourself something nice for Christmas with some of the winnings, too ;)


  • gumby
    Anyways, my prize was $2000.00 dollars in

    Hey......how about lending me a little for my nutsack rash I told you about? I need some 'gold bond' bad!

    Seriously......congrats on your win! I wish old ST.Nick would send some cash my way.....that old grey bearded biggoted bastard!



    OMG! That is incredible!!

    That's two Canucks winning something, well Nosferatu (at least in the top 30 karaoke) singing his best Billy Idol.

    So, what are the gift certificates for: city of London merchants, or regional?

    If it's London, you're set, because there's tons of shopping to be had there.

    This is great! Congratulations!!

    Big Hugs,

  • safe4kids

    Morton, WOOOHOOOOOO, Way to go girl!! That's totally awesome, and I'm happy for you. As the Silence said, make sure to get yourself something nice with some of your winnings...you deserve it


    P.S. Gumby! Don't talk about Santa that way!

  • Angharad

    Wow Congraulations Morty !!!

    Have a great Xmas

    BTW: I moved this to friends

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