Another Attack at least 50 killed

by James Mixon 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    Christians attack in Lahore Pakistan...

    What the hell is wrong with people.

  • Giordano

    Whats your source James? CNN reports 50 killed and rising......... 200 wounded.

    No mention of Christian's attacking or being attacked.

    Suicide Bomber blew up near the children's swings.

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    KTLA 5 Morning News L.A. CA. Most of the dead women and children. It happen in

    a park where mostly Christians was there celebrating Easter.

  • mfrederick

    According to the BBC Christians celebrating Easter may have been targeted.

  • daveysmithy30
  • James Mixon
    James Mixon
    Targeting children, how low can they get. You can have religion I want no part of it.
  • Giordano
    Yes it's looking like a deliberate targeting of children and in particular Christian's.
  • brandnew
    Wow..........😩...just wow.
  • JWdaughter
    Sick sick sick
  • SecretSlaveClass
    Now blame the US or the West for this attack. Go ahead and blame the greed for oil the West has. Can't you apologists see they DONT need an excuse? They are determined to kill anything non Muslim and Muslims who fail to follow their twisted fundamentalism. Sick of hearing that fundamentalist terrorism is all due to the West's infringement on their resources. Muslims have to solve this problem and until they do, they are all complacent. It amazes me how they'll come out in the hundreds of thousands globally to violently protest a work of fiction, but barely a peep of protest against what is being done in their religion's name.

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