All 2016 Convention videos in English and all Talk outlines for download

by Watchtower-Free 69 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • RubaDub

    I expect a whole new generation of dubs to hide literature in their walls, basements and attics in anticipation of the end.

    TheListener ...

    I think now the new generation of dubs will be hiding their iPads in the walls. Persecution will be considered the electricity going out and they can't recharge the iPads.

    Rub a Dub

  • TheListener

    OMG OMG OMG!!! I don't even believe this stuff and I found it emotional....maybe there is a tiny bit of JW lurking in my brain box somewhere.

    Like I said earlier, there will be no living with my wife for the next several months after she sees all this - and remembers that her husband and kids won't be there with her. Jesus this is going to cause me grief.

  • Watchtower-Free
  • sir82

    The weird part was they were all wearing exactly the same outfit like some sort of cult uniform.


    Are we not men? We are DEVO!

    OK so maybe I've dated myself there a little.....

  • raven

    The symposium talk is literally called "Shun unrepentant wrongdoers" ... Seriously? Blows my mind really, because on the other hand, if you type in disfellowshipping and or shunning into the site, it says we don't shun, but now there is a talk that point blank says shun? Emotional blackmail at its finest.. This one hit home for me as I will be announced as disfellowshipped here soon.

  • darkspilver

    The symposium talk is literally called "Shun unrepentant wrongdoers" ... Seriously? Blows my mind really, because on the other hand, if you type in disfellowshipping and or shunning into the site, it says we don't shun, but now there is a talk that point blank says shun? Emotional blackmail at its finest.. This one hit home for me as I will be announced as disfellowshipped here soon.


    states that:

    "If, however, a baptized Witness makes a practice of breaking the Bible’s moral code and does not repent, he or she will be shunned."

    seems WT is fairly upfront on that side? The q though is what about purely 'inactive' ones.

    That's all folks!

    DarK SpilveR

  • sir82

    "If, however, a baptized Witness makes a practice of breaking the Bible’s moral code and does not repent, he or she will be shunned."

    Of course that is completely and demonstrably false.

    Many if not most DF'ed JWs are DF'ed for a single offense.

    Virtually all JWs will say they are repentant. A more accurate statement would be this:

    "If, however, a baptized Witness commits one of the 27 or so 'bad' acts listed in the JW elders manual and gets caught or confesses and is not able to convince 3 JW men that they are repentant, he or she will be shunned."

  • darkspilver

    Virtually all JWs will say they are repentant. A more accurate statement would be this:

    "If, however, a baptized Witness commits one of the 27 or so 'bad' acts listed in the JW elders manual and gets caught or confesses and is not able to convince 3 JW men that they are repentant, he or she will be shunned."

    Haha, and that, of course, is what I call a politician's answer

    Raven was questioning the actual act of 'shunning' and not the reasoning behind it.

    Contrary to what Raven evidently wanted to imply, the WT is up front that it does shun former members who have, in their view, unrepentantly sinned in some way. The FAQ, as would be generally accepted for a FAQ, gives a fairly brief but fulsome answer without getting bogged down in all the intricacies of various situations etc.

    Thus the bottom line is that the WT is clear that it will shun former members in certain situations.

    Yes, you can take issue with what those 'certain situations' are, and if it's fair or even scripturally correct etc etc, but that doesn't change the principle of the act of shunning that the WT says it does do.

    BTW, I'm just a messenger

    DarK SpilveR

    That's all folks!

  • Miss Behaving
    Miss Behaving

    Ty for posting these. I'm in shock.

    How is it that they have the ability to build a house, but have no knowledge of how to hem a neckline? If it's coarsely woven flax or cotton, wouldn't it fray if it were cut like that along the bias?

    Plus, wood framed homes? Those only last at about 60-100 years, where will they get insulation? There are so many better choices for longevity and environmental impact. Log houses can last a long time if the bark isn't stripped, some are still standing from the middle ages, and then there are good old fashioned mud huts.

    Sorry, I'm rambling about random facts that I know because the bunker video seriously frightened me - What is the GB planning on doing that will bring a SWAT team down on JWs?!!

    Loyalty talks, swat teams, people leaving because of a message of judgment?? Are they desperate enough to try some kind of terrorism? This is the first time I've been afraid for my family.

    I'm going to go calm down. The GB are the all talk no action kind of despots, right??

  • Lieu

    I don't know about everyone else here, but that's a very nice coffee pot in the bunker video.

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