Were you aware of the shunning policy when becoming a JW

by UnshackleTheChains 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • UnshackleTheChains

    For those who became JWs, were you fully aware of the Societys cruel shunning policy whilst studying? I absolutely had no idea such a policy existed until years later. It really only hit home when reading the horrendous stories on the internet around 2002.

    Also, for the born in's, were you fully aware of the shunning policy and it's potential repercussions when you got baptised whilst young?

    I would be grateful to get your thoughts on this.

  • LongHairGal


    No, I was unaware of this and many other things when I joined the JWs.

    They carefully hid all the negative things about the religion and I had all the rude awakenings later on - one after another. Very deceptive!

    I doubt anybody would join if they knew the truth about it.

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    When I became a JW back in 1970 I wasn't aware of anyone being shunned.I don't recall anyone sitting in the back row or the elders informing me not to talk to someone...I agree with LonghairGal, If I had known no way would I had join. Of course in the early 70's there were very few DF,'s the big one was coming....

  • Divergent

    I was aware, but I never questioned it because I thought it was "the truth"! It was only after I woke up that I realized the extent of the cruelness of this unscriptural policy and the fear and damage it causes!

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    It wasn't always so harsh. Late 50's and 60's, as I recall, we could speak to a disfellowshipped person, just couldn't discuss anything spiritual...that wasn't hard. Also, they could fellowship with their relatives.

  • scratchme1010

    Also, for the born in's, were you fully aware of the shunning policy and it's potential repercussions when you got baptised whilst young?

    I would be grateful to get your thoughts on this.

    I am born in, and yes, I was aware, but there's a big difference when a born-in has been raised and conditioned to accept everything the WT says. There are things that I grew up hearing and knowing that didn't seem abnormal since that's all I knew, so yes, the shunning was something I grew up with and it wasn't a big deal.

    However, I understand that part of the Bible studies involves letting people know about that practice. Also, when studying for baptism that subject does come up too. How come that you found out after being baptized?

  • NikL

    Funny you asking this as I was just thinking about it the other day. I even went back and looked in the "Bible teach" book to see if disfellowshiping was mentioned. It wasn't.

    I couldn’t not for the life of me remember when I found out about it but I know it wasn’t during the study phase.

  • schnell
    It wasn't always so harsh. Late 50's and 60's, as I recall, we could speak to a disfellowshipped person, just couldn't discuss anything spiritual...that wasn't hard. Also, they could fellowship with their relatives.

    I am curious. My grandfather was disfellowshipped in the 60s and the story goes that my grandmother had to walk to the meetings despite a handicap. Nobody would give her a ride, because "it was worse in those days" and the rest of the family was considered disfellowshipped too.

    I could have easily been fed lies or inaccuracies, I'm sure.

  • zeb

    No I was not.

  • smiddy

    I had no idea that shunning was practiced and I cant remember when I became aware of it or how it affected me.

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