Jehovah's Witnesses: A Clear Decline

by Hadriel 43 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Hadriel

    Rather smartly the tower has turned its focus to third world countries and the foreign lang effort. These areas are far less likely to have heard of all the chicanery unlike the modern world and its free flowing information.

    I do believe at least in the U.S. and U.K. for example that the converts are slowing drastically. Unless born in the chances of conversion are minimal. Hence also why the push for baptism is so emphatic. Get them in early or they won't stay in.

  • Vidiot

    Hadriel - "Rather smartly the tower has turned its focus to third world countries and the foreign land effort.These areas are far less likely to have heard of all the chicanery unlike the modern world and its free flowing information."

    Trust me, "smarts" ain't got nothin' to do with it... the Third World is simply the only market demographic they got left.

    And sure, they may be able to get new converts there, but what good are they if they're all broke as shit?

  • Finkelstein

    It appears the Watchtower Corporation is pushing to go not go where the need is great but where there's no inter-net.

    The easy to access availability of the inter-net with its mostly damaging information against the WTS. is crippling the WTS/JWS overall.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    done4good asked two questions:

    Q1.: Why is it every time this is discussed, people take either extreme?

    A1.: Because that is how conversations work. If everyone thought the same, no discussion board would be necessary; see the invisible discussion board at JW.ORG as an example.

    Q2.: Neither extreme is correct. [?]

    A2.: According to Schrödinger's Witnesses, this is not only correct, but necessary.

  • Vidiot

    @ Finkelstein...


    I wonder if it's possible to A) get hard numbers on the Org's growth in Third World countries, and B) compare those numbers with the degree of internet penetration in said Third World countries...

  • dropoffyourkeylee
    Thanks 20year, for the Melville quote!
  • Finkelstein

    I wonder if it's possible to A) get hard numbers on the Org's growth in Third World countries, and B) compare those numbers with the degree of internet penetration in said Third World countries...

    Don't know if that's possible but it would seem that in most modernized wealthier countries, where the inter-net is easily available that the JWS numbers have been weakening.

    Ignorance is an exploited catalyst fuel to which the WTS has always used and exploited , not only from a theological perspective but also about its own inherent past propagating doctrines.

    In the past the WTS would just stop production of certain pieces of literature and make the move to have them taken off the shelves of Kingdom Halls, now days anyone can can research the activity of the WTS/JWS and find a lot of undisclosed information that isn't recently present.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim
    It's still strange that the Borg still boasts about steady growth in the World in general though.
  • Hadriel
    @Finkelstein that would be an interesting matrix and not too hard to wire up. If I get time I think that would be a gem of a data mine!
  • steve2

    Vidiot, the most likely source is the 2015 annual worldwide report in the 2016 Yearbook. Select countries that meet criteria for being defined as "third world" - some countries will be more obvious than others. The World Health organization may be the best source for a comprehensive list of third world countries.

    Go to it!

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