I had a somewhat paranormal experience 2 days ago, but I think science is just light years behind on this.....

by Bad_Wolf 30 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Bad_Wolf

    For the record I'm agnostic, never seen any direct evidence of spirits, afterlife, etc.

    I've been visiting my mother during this corona ordeal. A year ago I had a dream I was much older and talking to somebody about how my mom died this year but it was avoidable. When I woke up, it felt as if my consciousness had been in the future and sent back. (but that can all just be a dream).

    I am always asleep by 11, especially the past 2 months. 2 nights ago I couldn't fall asleep. Then I had a feeling I should check on my mom. I hear her sleeping and breathing odd. I open the door, go near her, she is barely breathing. I try to wake her but she won't respond. I shake her awake, her eyes open wide but she can't talk and her hands are clentched up. And she keeps going back unconscious. I call ambulance and keep her up.

    As I'm following the ambulance, I am thinking how odd it was I even checked on her not having done that nor usually awake then and had I not, she would have been dead. It's 2:30am and as I'm following the ambulance, my father texts me, "R U okay? I just wokeup from a nightmare that you were in trouble". He has never texted me in the middle of the night like that before.

    So it could have been a lucky coincidence that I happen to be awake and happen to check on her the one time this happened, but that combined with the text, goes beyond coincidence to me. Also another story, but had dreams foretelling of death and seemed to have changed it.

    So as one who doesn't believe in paranormal, my thoughts tying this stuff in with science. Our consciousness isn't understood yet. There may be parallel universes. Recently possibly one where time runs backwards. https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamiecartereurope/2020/05/21/has-nasa-found-a-parallel-universe-where-time-flows-backwards-the-truth-behind-the-headlines/#4ce38942646d

    1. Can our thoughts be influenced or intersect w/ one with time running backwards, and particular traumatizing events can intersect us in dreams/other stuff that we subtly know or can get future warnings. (Richie Valens and Buddy Holly had dreams about their deaths)

    2. Possibly our consciousness can defy time itself.

    3. The text from my father and other life events, I think there can be a form of telepathy or connection not discovered yet between close people / relatives.

    I also have lucid dreams. Science I believe hasn't or until recently even acknowledged they were real. There is a lot that one may have to experience themselves, but looking back at how many things in the past were considered magic/superstition, I doubt things such as I brought up will be understood in my lifetime, but I think one day they'll be some shocking discoveries that some of this stuff is not just imagined and coincidence.

  • cofty

    How is your mother?

  • Bad_Wolf

    @cofty she had a bad medication reaction. Her breathing was stopping, carbon was building up in her blood, and liver/kidneys were starting to get damaged. Had I not been up at 2am and checked on her when I hadn't done that at all past 2 months, she would have been dead or so bad on a ventilator. But the hospital put her on oxygen, got the stuff out of her system, and the timing of when I found her was just in time that no permanent damage, tests normal after 24 hours. So she is better now :)

    I'm still shaken up at what would have happened had I not checked her and I know something made me do it beyond what is normally understood.

  • notsurewheretogo

    It's just coincidence until there is evidence otherwise...

  • RubaDub
  • cofty

    I'm glad she is okay.

    But that also means that your premonition about her death was wrong.

  • RubaDub

    I would love to further respond but will maintain the dignity of the discussion as I normally do.

    I hope all works out well.

  • slimboyfat

    I think sometime we can sense things on level under full conscious awareness. Sometimes we sense trouble or danger, maybe walking or driving, and take evasive action before there’s an apparent conscious visible cue to motivate the reaction. I think this can be down to life skills we have internalised so deeply that we are unaware we are doing it. An experienced driver, for example, knows what to look for many metres ahead, he knows the patterns of traffic, how others tend to behave, the kinds of things that may happen and need reaction, and he does it all at once unmotivated, subconsciously.

    Driving along the road I had a sense the car next to me wasn’t safe. I couldn’t give any reasonable explanation for the feeling it’s just a sense. I probably picked up on something small that didn’t rise to the level of a conscious thought. I just thought I should not drive close to this car. Then it had an accident seemingly out of nowhere, but I was a safe distance because I had a feeling it just wasn’t right.

    I think it is possible you are so familiar with your parents that your mind can pick up on clues that there is a problem at a subconscious level. You won’t be able to identify what it was, but your mind noticed it, and your mind brings the action required to your conscious awareness bypassing identifying the actual cause for the thought. So the thought appears to come from nowhere but it hasn’t, it’s come from habitual experiences of situations and reading them without even knowing you are doing it.

    On the broader question of consciousness it seems entirely possible to me that consciousnesses are more connected and enduring than we tend to think in our present culture. There are so many stories and experiences that tend to suggest this, it’s not easy to dismiss them all. Let’s face it, the fact that we exist at all in the first place is such an extraordinary miracle, who can say what is too extraordinary after that? Some materialists take consciousness too readily for granted. It’s an incredibly mystery why we can think and reflect at all. A reality that is capable of producing such an amazing phenomenon is surely capable of further surprises. Some may say shared consciousness or enduring consciousness is disproved by the material nature of the world as we understand it. But how well do we really understand it? We have absolutely no idea how this material universe can give rise to beings who have a conscious sense of themselves to start with. If we can’t even begin to explain how that happens than how can we presume to know the limits of consciousness? At the most fundamental level, consciousness is all that we know. The material world we only know second hand, and make useful deductions based on experience. I think we exist by the mind of God, is my current way of understanding it. If that is so, then connections and continuities of consciousness can’t come as a surprise

    In short I think mundane or extraordinary explanations for the type of expertise you had are possible. We don’t know enough about ourselves or the universe to rule anything out.

  • Anders Andersen
    Anders Andersen

    Glad your mom is doing better, thanks to you checking on her and the help she received in hospital.

    I'm with SBF on this. Almost all of our perception and decision making is done in our subconscious, and we're totally oblivious to many of our mind's processes....you not being able to sleep could just be a basal reaction to you receiving input you didn't consciously notice. Maybe pheromones, a subtle change in your mom's breathing or behavior before you went to bed. So you checking on her may not be coincidental at all.

    As for your father's text: what kind of trouble did he dream up for you? Could he have had any (subconscious) input that made him uneasy?

    Even if not, we need not assume some supernatural process at work. Humans tend to greatly underestimate the nature of chance combined with large numbers. Yes, someone not being able to sleep at the same day a relative has health problems is incredibly small. But now factor in the number of people on earth, the incredibly large amount of nights spent with trouble sleeping during their combined lives, and the number of relatives that suffer some nightly medical crisis. It's simple math: the odds to 'win' are very small, but with many billlions of opportunities someone sometime will 'win' that lottery and check on a relative with health problems while someone else sends them a nightly text message - by pure coincidence.

    And if we assume some other dimensional or otherwise yet unknown process 'warned' you or made you check on your mom, why doesn't that process work most of the time? Many people suffer a health crisis (and even die) while their relatives sleep soundly.

    Interesting stuff nonetheless. Whether coincidence, subconsciousness, other dimensions or ethereal causes are at work. No doubt there are many things about our universe (and perhaps others) that we don't know yet.

    Glad they worked out for your mom and you.

    Btw lucid dreaming has been known and studied since antiquity... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucid_dream

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    Sometimes things that typically happen randomly, happen in an orderly way. When you deal out a hand when playing cards, your odds of dealing the same hand twice is 1 in 8.06581752 x 1067.

    That being the case, each hand that is dealt, no matter what cards you get, is kind of a miracle in itself because the odds of them coming out the way they did, is so random. If you were to get an Ace of spades as well as a 2, 3,4,5,6 and 7 of spades. That would be a case of random things that happened in an orderly way rather than a miracle.

    I often have feelings of Deja vu' but I realize it has more to do with my tendency to get time sequences mixd up. It's hard to explain but sometimes I see something happen in real time but my mind races ahead and starts looking backwards and begins remembering what I just saw, as if it happened before.

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