So you think I'm a hypocrite?

by dothemath 70 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Valis

    I'm with mouthy, everyone gets out in their own way, one hopes anyway. ...maybe he gets to be the one to hear next time there are allegations of abuse and steer them into doing the right thing. Maybe his experience here will help someone not get the shaft everytime someone comes to him or them w/a problem. Perhaps its all a big game of JW Stratego eh? eheh


    District Overbeer

  • starfish422

    (((dothemath))) Don't let these naysayers rush you into something you're not ready for. You are the only one who knows your situation, and no one has the right to call you hypocritical; particularly as you've already stated that you won't likely be an elder much longer, based on the fact that you wouldn't want to preach things from the platform that you no longer believe to be true. (Did the lynch mob miss that???)

    Let it happen at your own pace. I think you will leave eventually, but you're the only one who knows for sure. I hope you can realize that you don't have a "time limit", eg. Armageddon, to make your decision. I will keep you in my thoughts.

  • Maverick

    NO! Maverick

  • jgnat

    I think dothemath is the type of JW that the Watchtower Society fears the most. They figure as long as they can control their own, they can ditch as many apostate opposer so-and-so's they want. It's not like the faithful will listen to anybody outside anyhow. But dothemath is an unknown. He cares about the people he has been charged to serve. He is living what he believes WITHIN THE SYSTEM.

    I hope a lot of serving elders are lurking and reading this stuff.

  • bisous

    I agree with Sirona. Having a foot on either side of the fence is hypocritical. You are in a position of influence as an elder. Others look up to you. Untruths and abuse are promoted via the JW doctrine and by continuing to associate at the level you do you condone those lies and wrongs to others. I agree with the other comment do you sleep at night?

    Cry me a river we should have pity on those like you who realize the propaganda and lies but don't have the fortitude to speak out. I suffered greatly as a child and young adult as a result of this so called religion, have some backbone, would you please?

    Finally, if you have to ask...then you already know the answer.

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    Hypocrite? No way.

    I, for one, wouldn't think that I would be able to continue to serve as an elder after coming to a realization that the WTS is a farce. But I never served as an elder, so what do I know? If it suits you, then proceed at whatever pace bet suits you and take it at your own pace. Let no one judge you. You will know best when the time is right to make a move. Like some others have said, the knot in your stomach and other physical signs will be good indicators of how long you can stand to serve as an elder for the Borg.

    I do think that it would be of interest to see how much 'light' you could cast into others minds in such a position while knowing what you do. And possibly being able to subside other wrongful actions at least on a local level would be of interest.

    But again, I couldn't even go back in FS once I knew the truth about the Troof. So how one could continue to give talks without blurting out information that would throw up the apostate red light to others in the congregation would be a tough tightrope to walk.

    In the meantime, please keep posting and reading here. Some bite here, but for the most part everyone I feel means well and can offer some level of support to you.



  • seven006


    Ain't this site fun? So many people, so many suggestions, makes life a little more interesting doesn't it? You sound like a sharp guy who has just begun learning the secret art of being honest with yourself. As you begin your thoughts tend to run like a stock car race on the Fourth of July. Life outside of your head kind'a turns into a long streaking blur as you head to the finish line trying to avoid the little fender benders as well as the multi car pile ups along the way. It's quite a rush and can be scary as hell at times. But, once you cross over that finish line and the checker flag of reality flashes in front of you, you know you have just run the race of your life.

    Your comment about not having any plans to leave the organization gave me a little chuckle. It seems to have caught the interest of several here on the board. I don't think you really need to worry about it. From what I see in this thread and the first one you posted here, I think the organization is going to end up leaving you.

    Read a little out side of the watchtower publications and see how those who really know describe a cult. Having one single disagreement with their god inspired golden tablets is the biggest sin of all. To think for yourself and accepting your own thoughts as being honest with yourself is the unforgivable sin. It's mind control at it's finest. But as they try and convince you, it's the talking snake doing your thinking for you. That really cracks me up.

    Don't worry about anything people may say. Intelligent people have a way if figuring it out themselves. You can smack yourself upside your head later. Many of us have permeant flat spots on the side of our heads from doing the same thing. Right now just keep using that sharp mind of yours and the rest will follow. This is the advice I gave to one of this board's mods (Onacruse) before he came to this board when he use to try and tell me the organization had problems but it's teachings were still as close to being the truth more than any other religion. He made me laugh all the time. All I could tell him during his many phone calls was that he was a sharp guy and I know he will figure it out. It use to really grind his butt when I laughed. Your comments remind me of him a bit.

    A year or so later he's a mod and is editing out my colorful words on the biggest exJW board in the world, he still makes me laugh. Don't let anyone who has negative comments to you about what, or how you are doing things get to you. Everyone here is standing at their own crossroads in this journey and at their own level of figuring it all out. It's what makes this place so fun.

    Life is funny, don't be afraid to laugh at it, or yourself, whenever you feel like it.

    Take care,


  • JamesThomas

    Yes, you're a hypocrite. So am I. We all are to some degree (and whoever says they're not, is a hypocrite). It's always far easier to talk the talk, than to walk the walk. Just be gentle, kind and patient with yourself, faults and all, and you'll find yourself naturally being that way to others. I'm just darn glad you're here. Welcome. j

  • CountryGuy

    At this point I wouldn't say you're a hypocrite. You've only shared a small portion about yourself on the board. I honestly don't have enough information to go on to answer that question. I feel that calling you a hypocritedom at this point is as silly as the whole "1914-1975-2034" thing the borg have going.

    Welcome to the board. I hope you learn as much as I have here and then SHARE it with you whole congregation.

  • Sirona

    LittleToe: I'm sorry if you didn't like the fact that I used your story as an example. I was simply trying to show that it is necessary to eventually make a stand one way or another, and every month that goes by with dothemath doing talks etc. is a month too many IMO. It is noteable that you remained for just 4 months, whilst clearly planning your exit.

    I do realise that leaving the JW's takes time. There is a process involved and everyone goes through this at different speeds. However, dothemath seems to be saying that although he knows the truth about the JWs, he may still be prepared to continue misleading JWs. Most of us didn't leave as elders. He is an elder in a position of responsibility and still chooses to mislead others and support the organisation who are hurting others. I do not think that that is morally right.

    Knowing what he knows, how does he respond to JWs who ask him for advice? The standard answer is to look up the relevant watchtower publication and offer its guidance. So will he, when asked, direct the JW to the very publications which he knows will mislead and harm them long term?

    I don't know how long dothemath has carried on this charade, but I think that should he choose to remain permanently he is thinking of his own personal comfort instead of the welfare of others.

    Someone mentioned that "we should not judge". Well whilst I agree that none of us are perfect by a long shot, there has to be some point where you may express your opinion about a moral issue. He asked the question and I don't think we should pussyfoot around him in providing our answer or opinion.


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