yeah yeah "i clearly don't understand" I got it I'm stupid for wanting to know the source of it all so that I can make an educated decision.
Personally I think it IS stupid for example to pull a quarter-sized piece of scrap metal out of a pile and then claim everyone else is stupid because they don't clearly see that this metal with not a mark on it is from a Solstice GXP Coupe Turbo.
Seriously it's insane.
I'll be first to admit there's a ton of evidence to support the theory of evolution but that doesn't automatically mean all the answers have been explained. This very origin issue perplexed Darwin which is seen by his many comments on the matter to his colleges in letters. If it was good enough to bug Chuck it's good enough for me.
Until we solve this issue it is not possible to make any absolute statement. I don't see where it is a crime to want more proof. To know what the biochemical charge was (yes cofty scientists absolutely use this term) is important.
If your aim is to force people to accept your opinion and you say oh don't worry about how ti all started just believe what I say the result came from, at least with this guy, you're wasting your time.
I want the f-ing proof period.