Condescending theist tries to comfort fellow exjw's by telling them life isn't worth living without Sky Daddy

by cappytan 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • cappytan
    This guy took over the ExJW group I follow and just sent out this email to all of us.
    To all members : I stepped in as an organizer to save the group in the hopes of connecting with other believers. It appears that after leaving Jehovahs Witnesses you all have given up your promise to spend the rest of your lives serving God. That now your free to just do whatever you want! Your promise was to God, not to the JW org. Besides, there is no better way to live. The rewards far outway the consequences of living a self serving life. And yes, there is a god for all those who have decided to become atheist.And he's not far away, way up in the sky somewhere. But right in front of you in another realm, the spiritual realm. If you've lost your faith, you've lost everything. And you can get it back! I'm stepping out as organizer, not even going to schedule the first meet-up since no one has responded to even one of my emails. Oh yes one! an unhappy, unfulfilled atheist who let me know that my faith and belief in our hevenly father was unappreciated. There are those out there that want and need what I have to offer. I'm Certainly not interested in trying to push faith in God and the importance of using your life to serve his purposes on those who feel that its of no value. If anyone wants to step up as organizer all you have to do is pay 15 dollars before a month from now and its yours. You can pay from month to month. Getting together with people is nice. Making new friends, enjoying each others company. But if just having a good time is the sole purpose, it will never be much of a group. An emptiness will eventually pervade. Take the good from all of life"s experinces ( even in the JW org. ) and discard the bad. Life is worth living, but not without the savior. Without him, there is no life. You can put on a fake smile, try to stay positive, hold your chin up, and just keep going. but its all in vain. Its a dead end street with only brokenness at the end. As for me and my house, we will serve the lord.
  • Darkknight757

    So all people who don't believe in god are unhappily just trying to get through the next minute because life is sooo rough without an invisible monster watching your every move?

    Whats the $15 for?

  • Saintbertholdt
    "And yes, there is a god for all those who have decided to become atheist.And he's not far away, way up in the sky somewhere... Life is worth living, but not without the savior."

    Hi cappytan,

    Well now I suspect one would have to provide some sort of retort and so here goes:

    First off... I became an atheist due to the lack of evidence for an all powerful desert deity that had his son murdered on purpose. Add to this the fact that the evolutionary process is pervasive in everything from biology to cosmology, and that old time religion looks pretty dour and dry compared to what's actually going down.

    Secondly, to use the parlance of Christopher Hitchens, I would not want to live in a divine North Korea. The idea of an all powerful personal god has become quite odious to me.

    Thirdly, life's what you make it. It turns out we get to decide what is our life's purpose. If someone wants a sky daddy to make life worth living, well fine. For myself I cannot conceive of returning to those limitations in thought and ideas.

  • cappytan
    Whats the $15 for?

    Apparently charges to host a meetup group, I guess. I didn't know that.

  • freemindfade

    I can only speak for myself.

    I became and infinitely happier person when I came to terms with atheism ie no believing in god.

  • eyeuse2badub
    I can only speak for myself.

    I became and infinitely happier person when I came to terms with atheism ie no believing in god.

    No you can speak for me too!

    just saying!


  • Vidiot
    "Glad you quit your false religious church. Now come join mine!"
  • Twitch
    eh, whatever
  • steve2

    The JW soap powder didn't work for you . Like an opportunistic salesman, his job is to convince you his soap powder will work better for you.

    Unfortunately, his is the only soap powder in his stock list - so it is all he can offer.

    Reality is, consumer studies indicate there are several different brands of soap powder that are far, far sudsier than either the JW or his.

    Politely but firmly decline his thoughtful offer.

    Shop elsewhere.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath
    liking the new avatar cappy.

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