The "shunned" podcast is now up and ready to go...

by dubstepped 12 Replies latest jw experiences

  • dubstepped

    Alright, we're now iTunes official, and the new podcast has been approved. The first episode is my wife's story, and after that I'll be helping others to tell their stories as well. My goal is to shed light on the real lives of the shunned, to tell the stories that these religions don't want you to hear. Obviously Jehovah's Witnesses are front and center, but my goal is to include other religions as well. Shunning is a cruel practice exercised by cowardly religions that are afraid of facing the truth in order to silence those that wake up. The real story lies in what leads to the shunning and life after.

    At the end of each story I have the interviewee pick a song that meant something to them on their journey. I feel like music helps people to express things that they may not be able to in the moment. Due to copyright law I can't even play a clip legally in my podcast, so if you go to the website there will be a link to each one. I'll also include them in these announcements. My wife's chosen song is by Rise Against and is appropriately called "I Don't Want To Be Here Anymore".

    Like my 9 part series This JW Life about my personal story, you can listen to this on iTunes or Google Play or your podcast app of choice and you can stream directly from my site at:

  • stuckinarut2

    Thanks guys!!

    Great news.

    Looking forward to this.

  • LV101

    Sounds great -- thanks for all you're doing.

  • dubstepped

    You're very welcome. I'm already getting others reaching out that want to tell their story. This should be very interesting.

  • Funchback

    I listened to the 1st hour of your wife's story (I am at work so I couldn't finish it...not yet, anyway).

    She tells her story in a very calm, rational and, most importantly, non-threatening way. I think most JWs run from anything too abrasive.

    Nice job!

  • dubstepped

    Thanks Funchback! My wife worked very hard on her story. I gave her the questions and she ran with it. I don't know how interviews will go in the future, but my goal is to draw out people's stories, how they felt, what happened, and to keep it more focused on them than just hating on whatever they came from. I want this to be something that anyone can listen to more in the lines of other storytelling podcasts about the realities of people's lives.

  • Funchback

    The friend who pulled her to the ground by the ponytail. Wow!

    The D.O. wife counseling your wife for not wearing pantyhose. WTH?Her dad and his comb. LOL.

  • dubstepped

    I wish my wife would have imitated her dad's sound effects with the comb, lol. Or his EXcuuuuuuuse ME when he'd burp or fart in the front row.

    She certainly knew colorful people.

  • NewYork44M

    I am listening to episode 10. Best wishes to your success. Remember that the best revenge is living a successful life. Let me know when you are back in Manhattan. I would love to buy you a beer.

  • NewYork44M

    You tell a great story. I hope you continue your podcast. I want to hear your wife's story.

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