KingDumb Halls Want Court Order To Keep Pedophile Documents Secret!

by Country Girl 67 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Congregations want court order By JIM McBRIDE
    [email protected]

    Jehovah's Witnesses congregations in Amarillo and Dumas are seeking a court order protecting them from releasing documents in a lawsuit filed by a woman who claims a former church elder sexually abused her.

    The negligence suit, filed earlier this year in 251st District Court, was filed by Amy B. against Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Larry Kelley and several other organizations, including the Dumas Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses and the Amarillo-Southwest Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    According to the suit:

  • The Jehovah's Witnesses organization appointed Larry Kelley as a Dumas church elder sometime before 1988. Kelley, who performed a puppet show to instruct the congregation's children, used his post to sexually abuse children. In 1992, Kelley was convicted of indecency with a child.

  • While Kelley was a Dumas elder, church officials learned he was sexually abusing children in the congregation but did not report the abuse to authorities or warn other church members.

    Kelley later was transferred to the Amarillo congregation and abused other children, including the plaintiff, who was 8 at the time of the alleged sexual abuse.

    Both congregations have filed court documents denying claims in the suit.

    Kelley filed a response to the suit admitting that he committed indecency with a child but denied some of the suit's allegations. In court documents, Kelley said he completed 10 years in a sex offender program and has finished 10 years of shock probation.

    "I don't intend to minimize my offense, however, plaintiff implies that abuse took place from 1988 through 1992 when, in fact, there were only two instances of sexual contact," Kelley's court response states.

    In court records filed Tuesday, the Dumas and Amarillo congregations claim that producing various documents sought by the plaintiff would violate their constitutional rights.

    "Jehovah's Witnesses have a constitutional right by and through the First and Fourteenth Amendments, respectively, to be free from a government order compelling the church to disclose its confidential and exclusive religious doctrines, teachings and beliefs," the motion states.

    The motion says a court order compelling the church to produce some documents would violate the church's constitutional right to freely practice its faith.

    The Dumas congregation also has asked the judge not to compel the church to produce letters written by elders of the Dumas congregation.

    "Specifically, the letters contain information obtained by or fruits of confidential communication with elders of the Dumas congregation from Larry Kelley during the course of spiritual and scriptural counseling between Larry Kelley and elders of the Dumas congregation." according to court documents.

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    © The Amarillo Globe-News Online

  • blondie

    And they think the Catholic Church is bad hiding behind this? What is the WTS hiding?


  • stillajwexelder

    I shall watch this space with great interest

  • Gretchen956

    Please send this information to Silent Lambs. It will greatly help them! They have been in the press denying that they are withholding this type of information from the authorities. Here is actual proof that they are not only freely withholding it, but going to court to try to protect the right to withhold it. In my state they are obligated by law to report sexual abuse cases, funny how that doesn't happen. I wonder if thats the theocratic warfare thing at work again?


  • Nosferatu

    Wasn't the Dumas congregation involved in Child Abuse previously? Or am I getting names confused?

    "Specifically, the letters contain information obtained by or fruits of confidential communication with elders of the Dumas congregation from Larry Kelley during the course of spiritual and scriptural counseling between Larry Kelley and elders of the Dumas congregation." according to court documents.

    There's a word I'm sick of JWs using - "confidential". They use that to cover up their guilty asses.

  • Sirona

    What if you have a congregation which is small and only has 2 or 3 elders? What if those elders were collectively guilty of abuse? Would the police not be able to get documentational evidence on this basis?

    The information requested is not doctrinal information - it is evidence of a crime. The JWs SHOULD be willing to help protect kids but again they're not.


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Actually, Nos, I think it was the same case, really. I am not sure of Texas' required reporting laws, but if ministers are required to report, they are all facing a world-full of trouble! I'd be interested to see if this case actually does go to trial, if Amarillo and Dumas law enforcement will actually charge anyone, if there are required reporting laws in effect.

    I have forwarded a copy to Silent Lambs.


  • Amazing

    Hi Country Girl:

    Thank you very much for posting this article. It is very useful, and has been passed on to the legal counsel I am working with to expose Watchtower abuses. Clearly, the Watchtower is showing that they have something to hide. Again, thanks for this post. - Jim Whitney

  • La Capra
    La Capra

    In general, I am in favor of the "priest penitent" privilege. However, in this case,there are facts that lead the reader to infer that this was not a "confession" situation, but more of an employee disciplinary situation. There is a huge difference, when one congregation's leadership knows that a member is prone to dangerous conduct, and says nothing to a new congregation. It is another when it knows that one of the organizationally appointed representatives and leaders actually commits such acts, or has in the past, and reassigns him to cover up criminal conduct. By sending him off to other congregations without a clear indications that he was a danger, and they knew it, the first congregation becomes liable for his negligent acts. As an elder, this guy was basiclaly an employee, making his "employers" (the local congregations, and the WBTS) liable for their negligence by placing him in his positions of leadership. This legal theory is called "respondeat superior". Torts was last year though, today I need to study evidence...Is this admissible? (I think so, but won't bore you with the analysis) Shoshana

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Yer welcome, Amazing. Hope counsel can put it to good use. I will watch the Amarillo and Dumas papers and see if I can see anything more.


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