Make Shunning A Hate Crime

by Lost in the fog 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Lost in the fog
    Lost in the fog

    The Humanist organisation in the UK wants to protect non-religious people who leave their church/religion from being punished for doing so. They want the religious hate crime legislation in the UK to be extended to people who are not religious.

    I hope they will succeed. Because then shunning would be considered a hate crime and charges could be brought against those doing it. But I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens.

  • Xanthippe
    'Humanists UK wants the definition of hate crime to be extended to people who are non-religious to ensure that laws forbidding religious hate crimes equally include those with non-religious beliefs.'

    Interesting because I'm responsible for reporting a hate incident on the website if a library customer asks me to. You could feasibly report a JW for verbally abusing you in the street now because of your change of belief, especially if you've started attending a different church.

    You can do it on the website or in a public library.

  • Finkelstein

    I'm all for it if it effects the JWS , their shunning policy/doctrine has broken apart millions of families and indirectly caused many suicides.

  • BluesBrother


    “Mr Thompson said: "It should not be a crime to leave a religion, but as our evidence shows, we know that people have been threatened with death and violence after announcing they are leaving Islam."

    Humanists UK wants the definition of hate crime to be extended to people who are non-religious to ensure that laws forbidding religious hate crimes equally include those with non-religious beliefs.”


    Hmm. I am not sure that being shunned by ex friends is in the same league as the violence described above. Of course, everyone is entitled to avoid anybody if they wish to. The “crime” is an authority ordering a blanket shunning of an individual. The announcement only tells the cong. that so and so is no longer a Witness. Those who tell them to shun such ones are in the USA away from the UK law jurisdiction, so I don’t know how it would be enforced.

    I would like to see it happen though !

  • JimmyYoung
    since its not against a protected class you can not.
  • The Fall Guy
    The Fall Guy

    Shunning is not a crime. If I don't want to associate with a certain individual or group, that's my personal and lawful choice.

    I've know various non-JW's in my life with whom I wouldn't want to be in the same room, so why create a law which forced me to acknowledge/deal with such people?

    Both of my JW siblings despise & shun me for informing them of the cult's association with the OSCE. That's their choice.

    "Hate" crimes are a nonsense and a political creation. A crime is a crime.

    Why should a criminal who assaults or kills me get a lesser jail sentence because I don't happen to be in a designated category such as Islamic/Jewish/lgbt?

    The "hate" crime law is discriminatory!

  • Xanthippe
    Shunning is not a crime.

    No but inciting to hate is. Congregations in the UK have to be careful what they say about disfellowshipped people. It's my understanding that's why they changed the announcement from 'conduct unbecoming a Christian' to 'no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses'.

  • cofty

    'Hate crimes' are nonsense. It is the thin end of the wedge towards thought crimes and 1984

  • Giordano

    The JW corporate organization is a criminal organization plain and simple.

    They use duress which is against the law in every first world county. They ignore that motivating people to act in a certain way (shunning) is what criminals do to compel individuals to succumb to their rule.

    Duress is a criminal offense...... so the WT organisation is in fact, by example, a criminal organization. Do as we say or we will do it to you. Like it or not that's a criminal crime.

    Your average JW never signed up to break relationships with people they loved or maintained close family friendships with. Their are compelled to do so against their better judgement by a powerful criminal organization.

    It's all about duress which is hidden under the rule of freedom of religion. Unfortunately you don't get freedom of religion unless you have freedom FROM religion.

    It's one of the reasons why their failed criminal pedophile issue has exploded. Their freedom of religion doesn't allow you to have freedom from their religion. You have to put up with the child abusers until God deals with it.

    Your role is to suck it up and put up with everything that is wrong with this failure of a religion.

    This is why families are destroyed.......the WT gets to send their bullshit willy nilly among the faithful. And there is little opposition to their bullshit.

  • cofty
    Their are compelled to do so against their better judgement by a powerful criminal organization.

    To play Devil's Advocate; not really.

    JWs choose whether to shun relatives or pay the social cost of not doing so.

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