And so it begins

by Yerusalyim 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • Aztec
    The "sanctity" of marriage is destroyed by lies, cheating, beatings, abusing you children, lack of emotional support, emotional abuse and a number of other things I can't think of right now.

    Sphere, you put it so well. Thank you!


  • SanFranciscoJim
    it's not that "gay marriage" will lead to the downfall of society...rather...that if we allow gay marriage...then polygamy is also ok...and making a twist...if a 13 year old girl in Florida can have an abortion without parental consent...then why can't she also marry...even if it's with a 46 year old?

    Yeru, if the gay marriage issue is so supposedly intertwined with the polygamy issue, please explain to me why many Middle Eastern and African nations accept polygamy as normal -- even government and religion sanctioned -- while homosexuals in those countries are tortured and often brutally executed?

    I have known a number of gay couples that are in commited loving relationshi[ps. Why anyone would want to deny them the right to marry is beyond me.

    Destroy the sanctity of marriage? You've got to be joking. The "sanctity" of marriage is destroyed by lies, cheating, beatings, abusing you children, lack of emotional support, emotional abuse and a number of other things I can't think of right now.

    When people are "good" people it doesn't matter if they are the same sex or not.

    Sphere, Brilliant! Thank you! I couldn't have said it more eloquently.

  • CountryGuy

    Sphere, I'll help you out with that listing of items that are a threat to marriage. Reality shows are a bigger threat to the "institution" of marriage than two women walking down the aisle together, or two men growing old together in a loving, committed relationship.

    Remember these?

    • "Who Wants to Marry A Millionaire?"
    • "Married by America"
    • "Temptation Island 1, 2 and 3"
    • "Joe Millionaire 1 and 2"

    The first two on the list had people marrying "strangers." "TI" took committed couples and tested their committment to each other by seeing if they could resist some "hottie" coming in and trying to sleep with them. "Joe M" was/is just a down and out lie where the ladies think this poor ($) guy is very rich and are after him basically for his money. In the end, the players get played themselves. I honestly have to wonder how me and my partner of five years are a bigger threat to the moral fabric of society than the FOX network.

    Yeru, thank you for your saying that there should be some mechanism in the government that will allow us the same rights as married couples. Yes, you can (and we have) pieced together legal documents, such as power of attorney, that will give us some of the same rights; but I don't feel that I should HAVE to go to great lenghths to get a watered-down version of the rights my sister got automatically when she got married. Earlier this year, my partner was taken to the emergency room. The nurse, who was very gruff, made it clear that unless I was a relative, I would not be allowed to see him. I could have taken the time to get the documents and go back to the hospital and argue with Hitler-in-a-Pair-of-Scrubs; or I could lie and say I'm his brother. I wanted to be with him, so I lied. I shouldn't have HAD to lie. No one, straight or gay, should ever be put in that situation.

    I want to be able to see my true love should one of us be ill and in the hospital. When we pay taxes, I want to get the tax breaks that married couples do. When I die, I want to be able to leave him enough money to live on without the government taking a large portion of it as an inheiritance tax because he wasn't legally my spouse. As an American, I don't want special rights given to me because I am gay... I just want the SAME rights everyone else has. It doesn't have to be called marriage... call it "domestic partners," "civil unions" or "a sunny day in may" for all I care. I just want the opportunity to prove all the ultra-conservatives wrong and celebrate our 50th anniversary in 2048.

    (Stepping down off soap box now...)

  • Panda

    Sphere, I'm with you.

    The destruction of family life in America has not come about through homosexuals, divorce and everything that leads up to it ranks way up there as number one in the end of society. Who's to blame? Everyone: The abusive spouses and parents, The men and women who find that rather than trying they just get divorced. I know I'll take heat for that statement, bomb away. I've seen such horrible fighting over custody etc., the kids hate the fighting, they want Mom and Dad, and Mom and Dad have a responsibility to help those children get over Mom and Dad's selfish CHOICES in life. Yes selfihness is a CHOICE. What parents CHOOSE is not a CHOICE for the children.

    There are permisquious(see I can't even spell that, it kind of looks like per-mosquito). ppl both hetero and homosexual.

    You will never change the sexual preferences of ppl. It's just that simple. And this is getting out of hand. Marriage is a contract. Many Americans have civil ceremonies rather than religious ones. It amazes me that anyone gay would still believe in the Bible, but hey that's their choice. And I mean it, religious faith is a choice, homosexuality is not a choice.

    If gayness and not child molesters and abusers were supported in our society things would definitley be better. Shouldn't we be searching for cures to cancer rather than worrying about gay or not? Sheeesh, there are much better ways to gauge a persons "goodness."

    edited to add: The above statement just jumped out and bit me ... it's a straw man isn't it? HEHEHE

  • Satanus

    My parents' watchtower marriage turned me and my sister off about marriage, thankyou very much.


  • Panda

    SS, I'm sorry you've been so negtively affected against marriage. Panda I don't know what else to say about that, it makes me sad though.

  • Aztec

    Robbie, come to Azzy!


  • Aztec

    Damnit SS! I'll move up there and marry you!


  • Yerusalyim
    WTH? How is marrying your dog anything akin to marrying your lifelong partner? C'mon Yeru!


    Darlin, I know PLENTY of people who treat their dogs better than their spouses...and have a closer relationship with such.

    Yes, the Mid-East does indeed have polygamy...they also stone you to death for adultery.

  • SanFranciscoJim
    Yes, the Mid-East does indeed have polygamy...they also stone you to death for adultery.

    The simple solution: Marry the person you plan to commit adultery with and add them to your harem.

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