Do any of you preach on yahoo or MSN chat rooms?

by Singing Man 26 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • gypsywildone


    Ya mean that loving place where jws have told me gawd's gonna kill me & birds are gonna peck my eyes out?? Lol! I gave it up for lent. It's not fun anymore. Too many "poop" discussions, love life problems & wierdos in there.

    Where have all the obnoxious, hilarious jws gone? Whateverhappened to Dent?

    Did Judi ever find out the true meaning of head? Did Burlingtony the good jw ever find anyone stupid enough to have cyber sex with him? Inquiring minds wanna know :)

  • slipnslidemaster

    wow!! That brought back memories!! I didn't realize that was you coldredrain. Spongebobsquarethong is you? lol

    BurlingtonTony and Dent! lol

    And skallywag tells me that WitnessPaul/Walter is now an exJW.

    I'm not in chatt as much as I used to be but I used to love fucking with them. Being a ministeral servant pioneer that always told them they weren't doing enough, meanwhile I'm drunk off my ass.

    Yahoo chat is where I met that sweet, sweet cutie Venice who welcomed me to the fine world of exJWs and made me feel at home.

    I've been sneaking in there again lately, but Bearz pissed me off really bad the one night months and months ago, so I've been avoiding it.

    Nothing better then a baked wturls and moony all singing.

  • gypsywildone


    What did Bearz do? WalterPaulWhiner is an xjw now?? Wow! He used to whine "why do you persecute us". I remember Spongebob :)

    Nothing is better'n baked turls singing, huh?

    Guess what, I went in there last night! I hadn't been in for like 6 months, but I went in. Fizzy was in & toesockchick, but they had different names. They said rides is still crazy, & the poop master hardly goes in to hear himself talk shat anymore, & no one misses him. There was an active called dar-something & I do believe she was very troubled & some reasoning got to her. You start talking reality about how they were ripped off of an education, they start lying, getting upset, or leaving. My favorite is always when they deny kids ever getting the crap beat out of them in the back of kingdom halls across the land! They've never seen it, you see :)

    Lol, guess I'll make it a point to drop in there more often.

  • ColdRedRain

    Toesockchick! Gawd she has a sexy voice!

    As for rides, he's always trying to seduce women and they never listen to people telling them that he's a rapist.

  • sf

    {{{ MY PEOPLE }}}

    Hey there! Look, it is not 'walterpaul' that is ex now. It is 'witnesspaul'. Two entirely different men; as is evident when they are on mic.

    {{GYPSY AND SLIP }} Good to WITNESS you here in this thread. We sure had some good times a few years back, as Venice can attest. Some pretty good sessions at times too when recalling our past as jws. We managed to help a few out of the walls of the tower too by consistently pasting up links and documents coupled with verbatim text. LOLOLOL Most couldn't take it anymore and went off to paltalk.

    JudgeJudy (I basically shut her down over on jw chatroom...then had her convinced I was Ted Jaracz on yahoo...lolololol...ya have to know about the man to be able to impersonate him to some of these hardcore internet jws...hahahaha...thats funny...hardcore jws) is still lurking around, yet under different name. As are many others. The attraction to "filthy apostates" is still beyond me each time they willingly engage us. Yet, THAT is what I'm there for! To 'preach the good news that The Truth is in actuality, a Grand Lie.

    I'm in there right now actually. Waiting to spread the news. And reading and searching all the while doing laundry.

    Yahoooooooooo. And slippy, don't let phantombearz deter you. He is not as fuzzy as he would like others to believe. Most men in there are easy to 'nail down' with just one slam.

    Love ya, sKally

  • sf

    Ha! Just as I submit this post and go back to yahoo window to 'check things out', the poopmeister is there. lolololol

    How cosmic Or is it?

    By the way, moonie doesn't come 'round to the jw rooms anymore. But I do have her number. And rainbowindark is back! Come on in sometime soon.


  • Sassy

    Last night my bf couldn't sleep and so he got up and was surfing around on the computer.. ended up going into a chat room and while in there a woman IM'd him and was trying to get him to take the WT.. He said she was studying to be a JW and she was preaching to him about the Watchtower.. I asked him if he told her that if she becomes one, she is supposed to stay out of chat rooms.. oh man.. there is so much more I would have told her too..

    He did tell her his girlfriend (yup.. that's me) just got out..

    Can you imagine if I just get out and someone got my boyfriend to study? damn.. that would be bad! fortunately that isn't going to happen.

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