Bathing Daily Doesn’t Help The Planet

by minimus 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • just fine
    just fine

    No, just no. I’ll keep bathing every day. And brushing my teeth at least twice a day. I’ve sat near people with questionable hygiene and they are the only ones happy with their choice.

  • Diogenesister
    knew a witness that had a condition called TMAU (trimethylmaneria??). It caused him to have a bad body odor despite bathing several times per day. The brother said how critical it was to bathe or the odor would be worse.

    I had a poor female maths teacher who had a condition that made her perspire very badly.

    I felt so sorry for her because the kids were so cruel. I made sure to behave well in her class because she had enormous problems controlling the class - which made her perspire more ..I could barely hear the lesson.

    The worse thing was she always wore silk shirts which as you know shows up perspiration patches worse than almost anything. I so wanted to say something but I didn't want her to think me rude.

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere


    So true. Looking back through my rosy glasses we had ( and still have as family memorabilia ) durable useful stuff. Cars you could work on ( and had to) The mansions of old were not much much larger than the homes few can afford being built now.

    I do not want a 1914 (😊) dentist or surgeon though. The hippie movement of the 70s brought back scabies, lice and other 3rd world ailments; now the old hippies are in the driver's seat.

  • Iamallcool
    If someone invents "soapy car spray and water rinse" in the shower, I might buy it. Way Shorter Showers!
  • LV101

    In the assisted living/memory care facilities they really conserve water and claim residents shower 3 Xs/wk which is short 4 days. They charge more for assisted/extra showering to those that need help -- money well spent.

    I've heard people say their dermatologists advise they shower every other day because soaps are drying -- unreal! Water is a natural moisturizer so maybe they need to rinse the soap off a tad bit longer so they can resume showering daily.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Bathing only once/week would surely help with social distancing and lower covid transmission rates.

  • minimus

    Doc, lol

  • Diogenesister
    I've heard people say their dermatologists advise they shower every other day because soaps are drying -- unreal! Water is a natural moisturizer so maybe they need to rinse the soap off a tad bit longer so they can resume showering daily.

    Wash with emollients...such as E45. That way you're nice and clean but don't damage or dry out sensitive, dry, delicate or friable /elderly skin. Another way is to take collagen supplements and use vasaline after bathing.

  • waton
    Napoleon famously sent Josephine the following erotic line from the thick of battle: “Je reviens en trois jours; ne te laves pas!” “I will return in three days. Don't wash!”

    sme smells are actually attractive/ing. smell is also related to memory.

    what amazes me, how comfortable I am in my work wear. and how repugnant they smell after a shower. same nose, same smelling clothes, changed perception.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    I don't bathe daily.

    I shower every other day. And, similar to what Diogenesister said, when I shower I only wash with soap the bits that need it - hands, face, underarms, genitals, bottom. My arms, legs and torso get water only.

    I only change this routine when it gets really hot in summer - then I'll wash daily.

    I grow my beard out and wet shave only once a month.

    I do this to make wash and shaving products last longer, as well as saving water.

    Edit: I do brush my teeth every day without fail!

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