Court documents reveal Watchtower's tactics in Montana child abuse case

by LevelThePlayingField 33 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Vidiot
    minimus - "Why doesn’t Watchtower simply follow the laws of the land and report immediately to the proper authorities?"

    Probably because if they did, and a significant number of offenders ended up being successfully prosecuted (and it's pretty clear by now there's a very significant number), they'd become "known" abusers...

    ...and by the WTS' own stated internal standards, "known" abusers cannot hold congregation positions (even after they'd quietly lightened up on related restrictions a few years back).

    Not only would a lot more JW parents start skipping out to keep their kids safe (not to mention closing up their wallets), but really, who the fuck would even want to go to a KH where known sex offenders attended?

    I strongly suspect that pretty soon, they'd be experiencing a serious barrel-bottom-scraping shortfall of vital "qualified brothers" needed to run the Org at the grassroots level (something we tend to forget)...

    ...which could - depending on the scope of the problem - seriously cripple the religion's ability to function...

    ...which would, in turn, potentially place the WTS' survival at risk.

    And from their POV, they simply cannot allow that to happen... they keep doing the wrong thing, even though it will (ironically) probably result in a similar outcome.

  • recovering

    They are arrogant and feel they are above all others. How different they are from what Jesus counseled. Pay God's things to God Caesars things to Caesar.

  • recovering

    They are arrogant and feel they are above all others. How different they are from what Jesus counseled. Pay God's things to God Caesars things to Caesar.

  • blondie

    Minimus, the WTS hides behind the clergy-penitent law in many states not requiring priest, ministers, etc., to report. Some states do require it.

  • OrphanCrow
    minimus - "Why doesn’t Watchtower simply follow the laws of the land and report immediately to the proper authorities?"

    Because they think that they are above "the laws of the land" and that their law is superior. Historically, the org's focus has been on changing secular laws, not following them. For them to cave now would be a concession that their almighty god jehovah's law is inferior.

  • stillMS
    minimus: I strongly suspect that pretty soon, they'd be experiencing a serious barrel-bottom-scraping shortfall of vital "qualified brothers" needed to run the Org at the grassroots level

    I don't think the pedophile are THAT wide-spread. I suggest it's more because of fear for spoiling the 'holy org' image and getting bad media coverage.

  • under the radar
    under the radar

    They're dug in too deep to see an obvious solution: They could just say Nu-Lite™ has revealed that the two witness rule only applies to congregational action and that they now realize that any potential criminal cases must be reported to authorities to protect the Borg from being accused of condoning or covering up criminal conduct. It's simply a matter of "rendering unto Caesar what is Caesar's."

    I think the GODs (Guardians of Doctrine) in New York are just too blinded by fear of looking bad to realize that if they immediately reported accusations of child abuse and let the law take its course, it would actually enhance the Borg's reputation. They could say they're not taking congregational action "until the matter is established," but are restricting the accused's "privileges" to avoid the appearance of impropriety. Then they could claim to be law abiding instead of having the reputation of protecting molesters and doing nothing to protect children, all to avoid looking bad. They railed against the Catholic Church for decades for doing the exact same thing.

  • Vidiot
    OrphanCrow - "Because they think that they are above 'the laws of the land' and that their law is superior. Historically, the Org's focus has been on changing secular laws, not following them. For them to cave now would be a concession that their almighty god Jehovah's law is inferior."

    This too, definitely.

    The very suggestion that any aspect of "This Old System" possibly doing a better job determining guilt and dispensing justice than the Bible (and thusly themselves) is completely alien to them.

    Not to mention that it hardly fits with their narrative of "Satan's World" being awash in cruelty and injustice.

  • Vidiot
    stillMS - "I don't think the pedophile are THAT wide-spread."

    Stick around a while.

  • days of future passed
    days of future passed

    They seem to forget this Romans 13:4

    for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil.

    They are constantly against the authority that God has put in place according to the bible. Why don't they follow this? Hypocrites.

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