Have you ever honestly had Jehovah ansure your prayer?

by Singing Man 38 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • UpAndAtom

    I have a question for you, and all non-believers. I am quite surprised to see so many here!

    When you go to the Doctor for an aliment, and he prescribes a medicine you have never had before, Do you take it? Does it not take a leap of faith to believe the medicine will actually help you, and not cause you to have an allergic reaction and suffer because of it. It's a sad fact that Medicine kills more people every six months than died in the Vietnam War.

    Most people take medicine with blind faith. They don't even consider the imbalance the medicine may cause to their bodies, nor to they consider potential damage done to the kidney's, liver or acidity/alkaline problems to the intestines. So next time a Doctor prescribes you an anti-biotic, will you first look up it's side-effects on the Internet, or will you take a leap of faith in mankind, when you are not prepared to take the same leap of faith in God?

    Have you ever heard the story about Desert Pete, a song popularized by the Kingston Trio?

    The song is about a dusty well, a bottle of water, and a note written by the mysterious "Desert Pete". A man is lost in the desert without water and stumbles onto an old water pump. He tries the pump but it produces no water. Discouraged he sits under a tree and much to his surprise sees a full bottle of water with a note attached. The note is from "Desert Pete" and explains the bottle of water is for priming the pump. All one has to do is pour it into the dusty pump, then you can have all the water you want! Of course, the man is torn. He wants desperately to drink the water in his hand rather than pour it down a pump that may be dry as a bone, but he finally chooses to take a leap of faith and pours every last drop down the well. He succeeds in pumping water and drinks all he wants, leaving a full bottle of water (with note attached) for the next traveller.

    We all get a spiritual thirst at times, and all I can say is, "Give God a go." Take a leap of faith once in a while. Also, it wouldn't hurt to drop the attitude of only believing in God if he gives you a million bucks. He owes you nothing, and in fact the reverse may be true.

    In answer to your question, Yes. I asked, I received and I was left in no doubt.

    Having said that, my proof, was not your proof... and ultimately you must take a leap of faith to believe what I said to be true.

    If you don't believe me (or Jesus) in discussions about Earthly matters, how then will you comprehend Heavenly matters?

  • alamb

    A favorite quote of mine:

    "So you are talking to the maker of the universe, the one who knows all, and YOU are doing the talking?"

    I only see and hear arrogance when I hear talk of answered prayers. When I hear of a planecrash with one survivor who attributes being saved to a prayer? What of the others? I believe we make our own destinies and prayer is a form of self-hypnosis, if it works for you, leave it at that....but don't gloat.

  • Nickey

    And I see psychics in here trying to tell everyone who and what they are and what they're prayers mean. When you don't even know every person with what circumstances or what happened in what time and what way.

    I'm not trying to prove anything to anyone anymore.

    When I hear of a planecrash with one survivor who attributes being saved to a prayer? What of the others?

    They should've prayed along with him (that's a joke I ran across last night)

  • Singing Man
    Singing Man

    If there was truly an all powerful and loving God looking over us, why would he wait for us to beg him to do what should come naturally to him: help out humanity? What would you think of a doctor that could save the life of a little girl if he would only do it after being incessantly begged?<<<

    Your not supposed to think logicly like that, don't you know that might cause bowel problems with the witness's by making them think too hhard on one subject, and we would not like to see them become all packed up in their bowel would we?

  • RedhorseWoman

    This is just so typical of me.....haven't had time to read or post for weeks, and I come back to a thread wherein I'm sure I'll get sliced, diced, and nicely marinated. Ah, well.....after posting so long at Beliefnet, I guess I'm used to it. LOL

    As a JW, I can't honestly say that I had any prayers answered. However, JWs aren't really supposed to pray for anything other than things that will help them to become better salespe.....er....Christian Witnesses of Jehovah. After leaving, however, I spent a long time not praying for anything (mainly because I was inactive and felt unworthy....damn brainwashing, donchaknow.) Eventually, however, I came to a point in my life where I was feeling very discouraged about things, and I ventured a prayer....well, actually, more of a conversation...and I received an answer.

    Since then, I have often received answers to prayers. Is it a coincidence? It could be. It could also be that prayer is a type of meditation that can help one to focus their energies better to accomplish what needs to be done. Whatever it is, I have received what I have asked for, and sometimes in rather unusual ways that I would have never conceived of on my own.

  • codeblue

    Yes. Many of my prayers have been answered, in many numerous ways.

    The most significant was in finding a soul mate. My first husband of 20 years left me and our 16 year old son....I prayed for about 1.5 years to not be alone and that he help me find someone. When I prayed my seemingly "final prayer" about finding a soul mate and decided that finding one would not be a priority....a week later someone came into my life.

    He was from BC...touring the U.S. on a Harley, he walked into the restaurant where I was working in the States... He was taking a much needed vacation because during the same time my ex had left me and we had divorced...Mr. CB was going thru the same thing. He had given up on finding someone where he lived as well. WE were both active J.W.'s at the time and so where we met, at the restaurant where I worked...We casually informal witnessed....hmmm...couldn't believe he was a JW....(some may call this fate or just meant to be, but it is pretty ironic that he lived 2500 miles away and we met. He wasn't suppose to go thru Ky on his travel plans ( he admitted he took a detour and just happened to go thru that state. I was suppose to be moving to another state and delayed my move for a couple of months, so I happened to be working that day).


  • fearnotruth22
  • abbagail

    Loved your one-word answer, fearnotruth22, and I'll second that with another 'yes.' ;-)

    Also enjoyed your experience, codeblue. I do believe God can 'maneuver things' behind the scenes to make the 'timing work out' in answer to prayers.

    Must admit, though, it seemed more were answerd in the early days 'coming into the truth' before becoming so heavily indoctrinated with the 'you must do in order to receive' brainwashing; and since, thereafter, I never felt I could 'do enough,' I had trouble 'asking/praying in faith.'

    Then after leaving JWs and carrying around the big guilt-trip for that, like RedHorseWoman, I couldn't pray at all for a long time.

    In other words, imo, when I was 'pure and innocent' it worked. When I became a WT-robot, praying seemed to lose its power. Then later with the guilt trip, that didn't work either because (I still believe) the one asking 'must believe that He IS and becomes the rewarder of those seeking Him' and that's kinda hard to do if you're lugging around a 'guilty' conscience.

    Also, imo, you really do have to ASK. The quickest prayer I ever had answered was when I actually got on my knees, and I have to confess I've only done that once in my life.

    My biggest problem now is still not feeling 'worthy' (not about being an xdub however); and being aggravated at not knowing WHO exactly to pray to. I still haven't settled on a title that feels 'comfortable' (Father/God/Jehovah/Abba/Jesus/Holy Spirit, etc, etc. TMI can get confusing sometimes ;-)

    Anyway, I treasure the memories of the occurrences when I knew, without a doubt, God answered my prayers, and thanks for bringing them to the forefront of my consciousness with this thread.

  • lilsx1

    Ok, I guess that I have always been taught as a JW that you HAVE to use the name Jehovah for God to hear your prayer and to be honest when I was a kid I prayed to God that I was sorry, but I hated being in the meetings as a JW and I hated going out in service... well when I met my husband - not a JW - he got me out of the religion - as a result my friends and family dumped me. So when my EX husband started to become abusive I was completely alone and wanted to die. I ran off one cold night, barefoot and without my keys so my husband wouldn't stop me (he often blocked the door so I couldn't leave). So I was completely alone and prayed with my whole heart and soul to die and that I couldn't handle it anymore and I was sobbing, at rock bottom. I all of a sudden felt like there were two people on either side of me and felt warm and "heard" "Everything is going to be ok, it's going to be ok." and I was at peace immediately and warm and safe, it was then that I knew God listens. Also I had an experience where I went to a church where they spoke in tongues - it was another low point in my life so I walked up to the alter to pray and people laid their hands on me and told me to just let go and pray and soon I was speaking in tongues. While this happened, the people who had their hands on me started to say what I was thinking - then I realized I was talking in tongues what I was thinking and they in fact were translating for me... It was amazing, and even more amazing was that when I asked for forgiveness and asked Jesus in to my heart - I saw Him. He was in a white robe and I looked in to his eyes and saw pure love and acceptance and I cried and He held out His hand to me and I felt sooooo content and peaceful. It's just like Enishi said in the post - the feeling is indescribable. I always pray to Father or to God - I don't use the name Jehovah because I feel as if God is my Father and I have a more personal relationship than just a name that I associate with a cult!!!! Though I have lost all friends and family that I grew up with I have gained God and there is no comparison. Thanks for listening!

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