Well... im disfellowshipped now.

by pale.emperor 35 Replies latest jw experiences

  • pale.emperor

    Very long story. I've been away from this site for a while.

    Basically, i tried to leave. Handed in my disassociation letter, it kicked up a storm and 2 weeks later i was disfellowshipped. Allow me to explain:

    After a few years of doubts over some doctrines, the changing beliefs, the hypocrisy, the lies, the social cliques in the hall etc i became an unbeliever inside but "went along" for the sake of my family.

    I read Crises Of Conscience and this just cemented the doubts I had.

    Then one day my sister in law is nosing on my computer and finds my activity for this site. She takes pics of the articles ive written and shows the elders. Im bombarded with calls by elders but i dont answer them. At one point I had 46 missed calls in a single day of different elders. I also received emails and texts imploring me to call them. I never did.

    During this my wife fearing i've become an apostate leaves me and moves in with her parents. Her dads an elder. After just one day her behavior has changed. Before this came out she agreed with most of what i was saying about this being a captive religion, you cant leave with your reputation in tact etc. NOW she's parroting things WT magazines have been saying. A clear sign she's being influenced by her parents (because my wife has very little JW knowledge, she just agrees with everyone else).

    Anyway. Because i dont believe it anyway i decided to speed up the inevitable and hand my disassociation letter in. My mother and sisters are distraught that i did it and begged me to speak to and elder. My reply was also the same "i dont believe any elder is any more scriptural aware than anyone else", "i dont recognize the authority of that body".

    The emails kept coming. One elder who i though was ok was very persistant. Eventually i decided to meet with him in a pub to put an end to them all nagging me. Among other things he told me disassociating is a cowardly thing to do, and just go to the judicial and "play the game". So... stupidly, i did.

    The judicial came around and it lasted for about 3 hours. The first hour or so was them trying to get me to say "you have the truth and i want to come back". But the conversation was actually me saying "i cant teach what i know to be a lie", "the stuff Rutherford taught is pretty much all obsolete now", "the 1914 teaching is flawed" etc etc.

    In the end one of them (the one known for his no-bullshit approach) said "well that doesnt matter now, all's that matters is do you believe Jehovah is God and Jesus is his son?" i said yes. He said "right then, we can continue with the judicial".

    After about 2 hours they picked away at my "apostasy" and how disassociating is worse than a death and eventually they disfellowshipped me.

    The same speil about "if you want to come back do this, this and this etc".

    But there's something else. My 2yo daughter is with my wife in her parents house. I see her 3 days a week and it's upsetting me to see her wonder what's going on. Part of me is tempted to go to the meetings, play the game and get reinstated just to see her properly.

    I think my wife and I are finished. I actually hope so. I've supported her for so long and given up so much and she's constantly betrayed by trust by telling her parents everything.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    welcome to a whole new life. i hope things work out sensibly with your daughter....but it will be far more difficult than a " normal" split up.

  • Onager

    Don't play the reinstatement game, play the lawyers, parental rights game.

    Good luck.

  • stephanie61092

    I'm so very sorry for what happened. I followed your posts from the beginning and I was truly hopeful for you. It definitely is a plus to not be in a relationship with someone with a completely different set of beliefs. I wish you all the best.

  • hoser

    Is your wife married to you or to her parents?

    ive seen a similar situation happen with a friend of mine who wasn't "spiritual" enough. His wife would take her parents advise over his.

  • ttdtt

    I am wondering, did they talk to your wife about your changed belief not being a good reason to separate?

  • Lozza Aussie
    Lozza Aussie

    This cult always screws families over. I disassociated myself by letter nearly three years ago, never been happier. I didn't have any family or friends in that set up so I pretty much had nothing to loose. I am feeling sorry for you, especially about your young daughter, your wife should have never been telling her parents what was happening in your marriage. In my opinion she has betrayed you, as for your nosy sister in law, who does she think she is? sticky beaking into other peoples private computers, I wonder if she would like you doing it to her. I really felt angry when I read what these bitches have done. As for the elders and their crap they can stick it where the sun don't shine. They had me feeling that I was accountable to them in the end so I was only too glad to tell them go jump. I am a single woman with no one to stand up for me and was treated in an appalling manner. I was not found out to be on this site or having doubts, which I secretly hid for almost nine years. I had an incident with one of the elders and that put the icing on the cake for me. I do hope you can get passed all this and move on. Take care.

  • redpilltwice

    Man, having read this anti-climax, I really feel sorry for you. This damned cult... they took it all away from you didn't they?

    I sent you a pm, please read...

  • Tenacious

    I'm very sorry to hear about your situation. There are so many things wrong here that someone from the outside looking in would be appalled and just plain shocked. From taking illegal pictures and showing these to others without your permission, to your wife taking her parents side over yours.

    I wholeheartedly agree with Onager. I think at this point it's become a legal matter and that's the only language these maggots understand. From the elders to those pieces of crap in Brooklyn.

    Good luck my friend. Use the law and make them pay for everything you can make them pay.

    I pray for your little one and having her go through this nonsense at such a young and tender age. These people have absolutely no conscious.

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    Pale Emperor we are of course with you on your exit. I faded having realized TTATT some years before stopping going to the meetings. The consequence was that my wife became the most zealous JW zombie possible and would literally stand between me and my three young children when I wanted to speak with them. Everything I said to my children was edited by her for religious correctness. I was an incarnation of Satan as far as she was concerned. The upshot was that a gulf was created between my children and me... just what she wanted.

    I say this because after a few years we parted and I handed the children over to my wife for the sake of her wellbeing not so much for the welfare of the children. She would have been even more devastated than she was to be parted from her children but in retrospect I would have rather have had complete custody, which I could have done on the basis of her unreasonable religious behaviour, which was recognised as emotional abuse by the social services.

    So my thoughts are that you might arrange a watertight agreement through the courts as to the upbringing of your daughter. A case can be made on the basis that as a rational father you want your daughter to grow up properly educated and not forced into an irrational religious cult which places the life, mind, emotions and activity of its members into the hands of the JW governing body. It would be easier to exclude toxic JW belief if you were in a position to look after your daughter yourself.

    Nevertheless it's early days and not an easy path ahead for the moment but you have shown your determination to follow your conscience and you will get support from us. All the best to you PE.

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