Were your English WT publications in the American "dialect"?

by compound complex 41 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Greetings, Friends:

    The opening query is presented, loosely, in the past tense, assuming that you are not currently a reader of Watchtower publications.

    Not that I'm already rather certain of your reply, it's just that I would like to know if in your English-speaking country (or ESL [English as Second Language]) THE SOCIETY deigned to tailor the publications to your spellings, expressions, idiomatic renderings, etc. As you will read below, so-called American English is a dialect of English.

    I found this online under American English vs. British English:

    "American" is not a language; "American English" is a dialect of English. "Americans write and speak differently than citizens of England" is just barely true. The differences between the two dialects are limited and superficial. There is no problem of mutual unintelligibility.

    Thank you.

  • snugglebunny

    Although the mags were printed in London, they occasionally contained American phrases that were incomprehensible to British ears. Apart from the spelling, the first that I recall is the WT stating "No way" when it disagreed with some course of action. No way? WTF does that mean? Ok, I know now.

    Another one was "points up" supposedly meaning that something or other was highlighted.

    Then there was the perils of "necking". We didn't know what it meant so were happy to carry on snogging..

  • punkofnice

    I found it very lazy of the WBT$ to use American spellings and terms for we Brits.

    At school, I didn't always do well with spelling tests because I'd use American spellings.

    As snuggs says, certain terms were unfathomable to us. Hazing and hunkering down.

    Sadly, because of the WBT$ arrogantly inflicting those terms and spellings on us, I kind of cringe at 'Americanisms' now.

    I realise a lot of our TV is American and we are fast assimilating the language and terms but hellfire....can we keep a little Brit culture alive in the dublications?

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Yes, I think we Brits got WT mags in American English.

    Spelling: color for colour ... baptize for baptise.

    There were a few Americanisms: 'necking' for French kissing/snogging/getting off with, as Snugglebunny said...

    ... also 'oftentimes' - we don't say that over the pond. We'd just say 'often', 'usually' or 'regularly'.

    PS - I don't think American English is a dialect. English is a pluricentric language. American English and British English are two slightly differing forms of Standard English. Dialects would be Scouse, Geordie, American Black English, etc.

  • punkofnice

    We had 'coworkers' instead of 'co-workers'. Sometimes, we weren't sure what a 'cow orker' was. Something cowboys did? Orking cows?

    'Oldsters' was one I thought was particularly silly. Not as much as 'happifying' though.

  • fulano

    There is a british writer on the department though...not a secretary but a writer and he has written study-articles . Is that written right, folks, uuhh lads.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    I hate American spelling! A brother in our congregation used the whiteboard a lot and always wrote FULFIL with two L's, fulfill along with all his other US spellings.

    A few years ago the WT Society at least used to print the Kingdom Ministry for Britain in 'Proper English' but they gave up on that also.

    They can print Bibles in languages such as Welsh for a handful of readers but cannot manage one in English!

    George (Old, English & Grumpy!)

  • AverageJoe1

    "Happyfying" arrrrrrrrrrgggggh! That isn't even in an AMERICAN dictionary!

    I remember an Awake! magazine with the word GARBAGE printed in large letters on the front cover. How to instantly alienate the British non-JW populace!

    What's weird now is that on the videos used in the field service in Spain, Spain dubs their own version so as not to put people off with the Latin American accents. Now why the heck can't they do that in the UK and dub them with British accents? I'd much rather listen to a Geordie, Brummie, Scouse or any other strong regional accent from the UK (although an island the UK has a fantastic variety of accents) than listen to the same old American ones!

  • fulano

    I am not english, love the country though, I even drive a Land Rover AND a Jaguar, so how foolish can you be. I agree, as soon as I turn on the television, and hear that american accent, I will switch to BBC.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    I have to say, I'm quite snobby in that I usually choose British forms over American ones. I'd write 'baptise' not 'baptize', for instance.

    But there's at least one Americanism I like and use over the British form - I say 'gotten', not 'got'.

    Why? Well because it matches the verb 'forget'

    Get - got - gotten; forget - forgot - forgotten.

    I also like the use of Americanisms in informal writing - e.g. I gotta, I wanna, I'm gonna are much better than the British or formal equivalents because the Americanisms are quicker, easier and more 'flowing'.

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