Who is your favorit actor???

by Singing Man 23 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Singing Man
    Singing Man

    For me I really enjoy a Johnny Depp movie, this guy has talent.

  • stillajwexelder

    Anthony Hopkins -- very talented

  • sandy
  • Celia

    Dustin Hoffman . . . . that should date me . . . .

  • Badger

    Tom Hanks is our generation's Jimmy Stewart.

    Brad Pitt can pick some great movies...

    NOBODY can say "F#$&" like Samuel L. Jackson.

    Gene Hackman is a master.


    Salma Hayek...I'd walk across town to see her in a toothpaste commercial

    Kathy Bates...She makes a good movie great

    Renee Zellweger...An everygirl...I pray she doesn't go on that diet...she looks great with a few pounds...

  • greatteacher

    Stallone can do it all! Drama: Rocky Action: Rambo Suspense: Cliffhanger Comedy: Stop or my mom will shoot! Beyond Definition and Catagorization: Tango and Cash

  • Sassy

    Denzel Washington

  • TresHappy

    What an amazing actor, Mr. Hackman!

  • freedom96

    Tom Hanks

    Harrison Ford

    Robert DeNiro

    Al Pacino

  • Sara Annie
    Sara Annie

    In general, I could watch Kevin Spacey or Emma Thompson read out of the phone book and enjoy it.

    I also enjoy Vincent D'Onofrio, love Jodie Foster's work, and think that Tom Hanks' everyman appeal is totally underrated--the man has been the central figure in some of the most glorious moments on film, even if some of them were only a few seconds long.

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