Striving for more

by punkofnice 18 Replies latest jw experiences

  • punkofnice
    Stan -a lot of guys would envy you.

    They wouldn't.

    Mind you, geezers. Have you seen the price of campervans? Bleedin' 'ell, same price as a stately home...nearly...well, not....but that's the joke.

    I reviewed this thread because I was nattering with a chum recently. We both agreed I'm depressed. No kidding, right? Blimey O'Rielly.

    Well, I kind of knew that. I'm trying things to chase away the darkness.

    Rather difficult, dah-lings. Rather difficult.

    I think one of the things that p1sses me off is seeing the ex doing really well in her new gung ho Jobot life. Even TOMO3rd is happier than me.......we suspect it's booze that does it...but, whatever works.

    Not fair, I say!

  • peacefulpete
    IMO religion, at least those which promise something bigger than reality, do people a disservice. Reality is pretty amazing without needing to imagine something better. I'm not just saying the huge scale and variety of the universe, I mean something more grounded. What a trip this life is, a pretty damn cool thing to have gotten a turn at looking around and experiencing it. Not in any hurry for it to end but know it will. That gives value to time.
  • ThomasMore

    Punk, I am not sure how to measure happiness but I have no problem getting precise measurements on sadness. You have had some bad experiences and even though you deserve to be bitter or depressed or both, I hope you can find some meaning in the time you have left above ground. I won't recommend anything other than a good dog who keeps you grounded. Mine reminds me that someone depends on me and I am needed. I just can't let him down, and he never stops treating me like I am significant to his happiness.

    BTW - I enjoy your sharp-witted posts. At least keep me amused.

  • smiddy3

    punkofnice, I am truly sorry you are going through this punk and it`s hard to know what words to say to truly comfort someone in this position but if I can add to what ThomasMore said

    I won't recommend anything other than a good dog who keeps you grounded. Mine reminds me that someone depends on me and I am needed. I just can't let him down, and he never stops treating me like I am significant to his happiness.

    And I might add " nobody loves you like a dog does."

    They are a great joy and comfort . But make sure you get one as a pup and you will grow old together .

    Take care Bro.

  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    He's depressed and the suggestion is he gets a mut and goes poop picking.

    There is a solution for depression but Punk if I go on about the Bible you don't want to hear it. And others will get ratty even if Jesus was right and they can't find fault with him. So - all I'll say is - think carefully about the vet bills and frosty mornings with doggie doing its stuff and you having to gather it up.

    (Luke 14:28) . . .For example, who of you that wants to build a tower does not first sit down and calculate the expense, to see if he has enough to complete it?

  • Phizzy

    Hi Paul,

    I got myself a therapist when I had left the Borg. Depression had got so bad I was going to kill myself, she saved my life. Seek help, you can get it on the NHS, insist on a therapist, pills are not the thing.( Temporary use is O.K.,they are not a cure).

    My Therapist showed me how to drag myself up from the depths I was in, but even better, she showed me how not to sink in to any kind of depression ! I am so glad she did. My life right now, I can assure you, is more shit than yours is, but I can keep depression away, and I can even laugh, smile and feel happiness to a degree !

    All the best Buddy, get a Therapist !

  • punkofnice

    Nice to hear from you folks.

    I'm not a pet lover, really. As Anna Marina points out, cost and mess. The other thing is my Landlord doesn't allow pets....which is OK. But thanks for the suggestions.

    Phizster - Ah, our lovely NHS. Trying to contact a Doctor in our area......I'll have died of old age before that happens.

    Thank you all again. Your comments have meaning to me.

  • TonusOH

    I am hesitant when it comes to giving advice to someone who may be depressed, because I think it can be a medical issue that is best dealt with by professionals. But I have dealt with a similar issue to yours, wondering how to deal with a changed perspective after leaving a life that felt carefree (in terms of future worries).

    I agree with Simon that it is a huge help to have something that you want to do, that you would do even if you weren't being rewarded for it. Looks like you have that with the band you are in. If you have any other endeavors, work on those. They give us a sense of purpose that is personal, and I think that helps a lot mentally.

    One of the things I did at one point was sit down and try to figure out what I wanted in life. Everyone, I believe, wants to be happy more than anything else. But we all have our own ideas of what makes us feel happy, or fulfilled, or challenged, etc. So I needed to find mine. I came up with three things: comfort, security, and control. Comfort meant having a good home life with the necessary creature comforts. Nothing extravagant, just the stuff I felt would make me happy. Security was partly financial and partly wanting to live somewhere that had low crime and nicer people. Control meant just that- having control of my life on as many levels as possible.

    Once I knew what I wanted, I could map out a life that checks off those boxes. I'm lucky, I guess, in that my life as a JW was quiet and mostly isolated, so I am perfectly happy living by myself. That helps with the comfort and control parts of my list. Had that not been the case, my list would be different, but I'd still be working to be happy as much as I can.

    That would be my advice- find things you want to do, and figure out the things that you need in your life so you can be happy more often, and then work towards those. Nearly everything that makes us happy is free or has a reasonable cost, which means it's only a matter of finding our happiness and making relatively small changes to achieve it.

  • riblah

    I like reading your posts most of all. I am sorry to hear that you're depressed.

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