Country Quizzzzzz

by Xena 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • stillajwexelder

    You're Mexico! While some people think you're poor and maybe a little corrupt, you know where it's at, enjoying good food and nice beaches. You like to take things a little slower than those around you, and you really wish the air were cleaner, but sometimes compromises must be made. For some reason, Chevrolet keeps trying to sell you Novas as well, even though they don't really go.

  • tink

    > You're Thailand!

    Calmer and more staunchly independent than almost all those around you,
    you have a long history of rising above adversity. Recent adversity has led to questions
    about your sexual promiscuity and the threat of disease, but you still manage to attract a
    number of tourists and admirers. And despite any setbacks, you can really cook a good
    meal whenever it's called for. Good enough to make people cry.
    face="Times New Roman">Take the Country'>">Country
    at the Blue'>">Blue Pyramid

  • nilfun

    You're Madagascar!
    Lots of people don't really know anything about you, making you buried treasure of the rarest kind. You love nature, and could get lost in it whenever possible. You're remote and exotic, and the few people who know you value whatever they share with you a great deal. For some reason, you really like the word "lemur".

  • tink

    omg i took it again and got (i think it's more me, btw):

    You're Brazil!
    You're athletic, charming, and probably a good dancer. Unfortunatley, you don't really mind chopping down the rain forest, and you probably consider homeless people expendable in certain circumstances. Of course, your personality is so diverse that it's hard to track down exactly what you're like. You definitely like Pele, the World Cup, and shouting "gooooal" at the top of your lungs.

  • nicolaou

    You're India!
    A great thinker and leader, you have a great deal of power despite being really poor. You like movies, cows, and you probably are a vegetarian and may even be a pacifist. You've probably been moving away from pacifism lately, though, as you get more and more defensive that everyone around you is trying to hurt you. How about a nice game of chess?
    Take the Country Quiz at the Blue Pyramid

  • ApagaLaLuz

    I too took it more than once:

    Half the time I was MEXICO and half the time I was TEXAS. (yes I know texas isnt a country)

    I live in California, so go figure aye?

  • BeautifulGarbage

    You're Pakistan!

    You used to ask people what they thought about things, but quite
    recently you've decided to just do stuff without asking nicely. You really want to go
    to the mountains, but for some reason, people won't let you, mostly because they won't let
    acquire any nice sweaters. In the meantime, you're avoiding alcohol and pork and trying
    to balance eating right with not falling behind in your competition with your next-door
    the Country'>">Country Quiz
    at the href="Blue'>">Blue Pyramid

  • Heatmiser


    You're Turkey!
    You have a good deal of history behind you, both good and
    bad, but through it all, you've become a leader among your friends. You
    have an uncanny ability to make friends with people who hate each other, though
    sometimes you just hate them instead. Surprisingly fickle, you keep a
    good balance in your life between religion and humanism, but most people think
    you're fanatical anyway. You're Istanbul, you're
    the Country'>">Country Quiz
    at the href="Blue'>">Blue Pyramid


  • blondie

    You're Texas! You aren't really much of your own person, but everyone around you wishes you'd go away, so you might as well be independent. You're sort of loud-mouthed and abrasive, but you do have a fair amount of power. You like big trucks, big cattle, and big oil rigs. And sometimes you really smell. But it's not all bad, you're big enough to have some soft spots somewhere in all that redneck madness.

    Well, I wonder what that means.

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