Remember when HITTING A WOMAN was just WRONG!

by pistolpete 55 Replies latest social current

  • pistolpete

    Just a few years ago, any man that slapped a women was considered a piece of shit.

    Today people are are Paying and Cheering to see a man knocking the shit out of a woman.

    What feminists, Social Warriors, and Gender recognition fighters don't realized is that their actions are actually causing the world to Revert back to the days when the world treated women as property, second class species, with no rights whatsoever, whose only value was a sex instrument for the male species.

    Social justice warriors fought for the right of Transgender women to enter Women's sports. And now, "not only are they destroying women's sports, they're actually destroying the women within said sports."

    Alana McLaughin was born a male. He was a former member of the U.S. Army Special Forces,

    McLaughlin is now transgender beating the shit out of women and people are loving it.

  • Simon

    It's ridiculous. At some point someone will be killed, and it will be the fault of the wokesters.

    Trans people are the gender they were born as, and always will be, and have no place in womens sports.

    If it were genuine, why are there never born-women transgenders entering the mens competitions?

  • Disillusioned JW
    Disillusioned JW

    I see nothing ridiculous or wrong with transgender people competing with non-transgender people in sex/gender specific sports, under a gender classification that is opposite to the gender the person had at birth. Such is partly due to the scientific information I have read. Here are some of my reasons.

    1) Simon said "If it were genuine, why are there never born-women transgenders entering the mens competitions?" But in actuality there are people (at least one person I read about) born female (no one is born as an adult and thus no one is born a woman) who became an full grown woman and later became transgender and who later competed in men's competition. Do you want proof? Well here is some proof.

    Visit . It says the following.

    "The first out transgender person to make a US National Team was Chris Mosier, who in 2016 qualified for Team USA in duathlon.[9] Mosier is considered the catalyst for the change[22] in the IOC policy on transgender athletes in 2015, when he challenged the policy after initially being banned from the world championship race. Mosier also became the first known transgender athlete to compete in the Olympic Trials in the gender with which they identify, and the first trans man to make a men's Olympic Trials, when he competed in January 2020 in the US Olympic Team Trials in the 50k Racewalking event.[23] " That person (born female) thus competed in men's competitions.

    The next paragraph in the article says "In 2017 Mack Beggs, a teenager from Texas, was required to wrestle against girls throughout the season of his transition from female to male up through the state championship, despite wanting to wrestle against boys. This was due to state sport regulations requiring athletes to compete alongside athletes of their assigned sex. Some opponents say the testosterone prescribed as part of his transition gives him an unfair advantage and made it unsafe for the other wrestlers. (He finished the regular season at 52–0 and won the state championship.)[24]" That person thus wanted, and tried to obtain permission, to compete in boy's/men's competition but he was barred from doing so.

    2) Regarding what sex we are born as, that is mostly a result of the effects of the sex hormones in our bodies. Yes our sex chromosomes is a major factor, but that is because our sex chromosomes influence what our sex hormones will be and their levels. But also androgen hormones secreted by the mother during pregnancy (especially if she previously gave birth to multiple boys prior to becoming pregnant with a female) can influence a genetically female baby in the womb to be born with more masculine characteristics than would otherwise be case, and such females in many cases end up becoming "tom boys".

    The International Olympic Committee (IOC) Medical Commission now recognizes that the sex hormone levels are a much more relevant factor in determining sex/gender for sport's competitions, than the sex chromosomes. In regards to that note the following from the article.

    "In 2003, a committee convened by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Medical Commission drew up new guidelines for participation of athletes who had undergone gender reassignment. The report listed three conditions for participation. First, athletes must have undergone sex reassignment surgery, including changes in the external genitalia and gonadectomy. Second, athletes must show legal recognition of their gender. Third, athletes must have undergone hormone therapy for an appropriate time before participation, with two years being the suggested time.[5]

    It was not until 2004 that the IOC allowed transgender athletes to participate in the Olympic Games.[6]


    Sports organizations have sought a test for sex verification to ensure fairness across all sports. This began in the 1940s with "femininity certificates" provided by a physician. In the 1960s, visual genital inspections were used to confirm gender, followed by chromosomal analysis to detect the presence of the SRY and DYZ1 genes, normally found on the Y chromosome.[26] These tests were all designed to ensure that athletes were only allowed to compete as their sex, but mostly resulted in the exclusion of intersex athletes.[27]

    More recently, testosterone levels have become the focus and, at the same time, new guidelines have been sought that would allow successfully-transitioned athletes to compete.[7] Since the proposition in 2003 to use testosterone levels, reputable organizations such as the IOC have adopted strict policies that employ testosterone as a metric to allow successfully transitioned female athletes to compete.[6] More recent guidelines have focused entirely on testosterone levels, such as the IOC’s current guidelines, originally set in November 2015, which set limits on transgender athletes’ testosterone levels for them to be permitted in women’s competition categories.[28] Controversy surrounding the 2020 Tokyo Olympics also centered around testosterone levels, specifically over whether the IOC’s guidelines should be amended to set stricter testosterone limits, although this proposed change has been strongly debated.[28] The testing of testosterone alone as a marker for athleticism has been debated.[29]"

    3) There are genetically male babies who are born looking female (at least on the outside) and who are thus raised as girls, but who upon entering puberty naturally become completely boys. Such happens because sometimes the bodies of genetically male young children do not respond adequately to (and/or produce an adequate amount of) the male sex hormones in their bodies, and thus appear to be females, until the male sex hormone levels increase dramatically during puberty. I learned such from watching two science programs on PBS TV.

    I intend to say more later.

  • Simon

    You basically have ONE case of someone actually competing, and "qualifying for" a team event is very VERY different to dominating and winning a competition.

    So one outlier, one anomaly. Not a convincing argument IMO.

    The fact is that the overwhelming majority of transgenders in sports are MEN competing unfairly against REAL WOMEN.

    They are not women and have no business taking places that should go to women.

  • Disillusioned JW
    Disillusioned JW

    Simon, there might be other cases of such competitions that we have not learned of yet. Furthermore, the number of cases will likely increase as transgender people become more widely accepted and as transgender people gain legal rights in more countries.

    The transgender person (born male) in the video does not look much like a man to me. The person no longer has a penis and no longer has testicles (if the person has had the surgery done, which I presume is the case, especially since I presume the person is competing as a woman), has woman shaped breasts, has sex hormone levels of that of a woman (which we be required to compete as a woman in sports), and acts like a woman and identifies as a woman. How much of a man is such a person? Not much in my opinion.

    Here is more content pertaining to my prior post.

    4) All human adults, when they were still babies in the womb were for a period of time anatomically of ambiguous/neutral gender (with mostly female looking external genitalia). I know that because I have seen such mentioned and illustrated in college textbooks on human sexuality. The babes that would be born as boys for period of time in the womb had vulvas and what would become their testes had not yet descended to below their crotch. For one source of this information see the science web page that is located at . See also . Furthermore, the foreskin (of the penis) of uncircumcised males is analogous to the clitoral hood of uncircumcised females (females whose genitals have not been mutilated.

    5) Some of what I mentioned above is evidence that sex/gender in humans is actually part of a continuum (even for those whose genetics are completely male or completely female), rather than being purely binary.

    I intend to say more later.

  • riblah

    Martina Navratilova is against transgender people competing against women, and I agree with her.

  • Simon
    The transgender person (born male) in the video does not look much like a man to me

    That's 'cause you're an idiot. HE is clearly more muscular than nearly any woman you'll see and will carry that advantage built up through years as a male into the fight.

    All human adults, when they were still babies in the womb were for a period of time anatomically of ambiguous/neutral gender (with mostly female looking external genitalia)

    Unless you stay like that, what has this got to do with the price of milk? All you're doing is "blah blah blah, bullshit bullshit bullshit, me so progressive"

    These people should compete in their own competition, that everyone can avoid watching, like women's soccer but less popular.

    Some of what I mentioned above is evidence that sex/gender in humans is actually part of a continuum (even for those whose genetics are completely male or completely female), rather than being purely binary.

    Bullshit. The overwhelming majority of people are one of two genders. The number who are not is very low. Just because you bought into the gender clap-trap doesn't make it real, it just make you delusional.

    Just because some people have two heads or three arms doesn't alter the fact that "everyone" has one head and two arms. Every example you give is an anomaly.

    I intend to say more later.

    Don't bother. You don't get to broadcast your BS propaganda. It's sick and it's dangerous. People like you will literally be responsible for people living miserable lives and killing themselves.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    This trans-woman was born a biological male and went through male puberty.

    And here's the kicker: biological males have greater mean muscle mass, greater mean upper body strength, denser (and therefore stronger) bones, more testosterone, heal from injuries quicker, etc.

    And it's just not fair for biological males to be competing against biological females - especially in contact sports.

    In fact, it's more than unfair - it's f**king sick.

    Left-wingers are so screwed up on this issue they can't see how sick it is.

    But to everyone else, it's sick.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    All human adults, when they were still babies in the womb were for a period of time anatomically of ambiguous/neutral gender (with mostly female looking external genitalia). I know that because I have seen such mentioned and illustrated in college textbooks on human sexuality.

    That is utterly wrong propagandistic garbage.

    A child develops visually distinct male or female organs as soon as 6 weeks into pregnancy which is when the baby is the size of a grain of rice, sometimes before the women even knows she's pregnant. Just because YOU can't see it doesn't mean it isn't there, we have powerful imaging techniques these days that can definitely discriminate.

    Whether they develop male or female is dependent on the chromosomes, so whether someone is male or female and a ton of other attributes is decided at the time of conception. It's not a random process that happens later in life.

    Whether someone identifies as male or female though is highly dependent on their environment. Children that are abused at a young age more often develop transgender attributes.

    Adolescents that became transgender are up to twice as likely to have been victims of psychological abuse (odds ratio [OR] = 1.84), physical abuse (OR = 1.61), and sexual abuse (OR = 2.04) before they became sexually aware.

    The researchers found that 73, 39, and 19 percent of transgender adolescents reported psychological abuse, physical abuse, and sexual abuse, respectively. Which is insane, nearly the ENTIRE community of transgenders are child abuse survivors and the majority go without appropriate counseling for the trauma they experienced.

  • GrreatTeacher

    I was never particularly reassured when men would say, " I would never hit a woman."

    I always felt like, 'Well you're halfway there, but I'd appreciate it more if you'd never hit anybody at all. Use your words!'

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