Oh Boy! Beards are "stumbling blocks" again ... from Stephen Lett

by freddo 96 Replies latest jw friends

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    ...Yah!...and what is this god-damn hangup Lett & others have with beards! 👎👎👎

    I mean JWs are dieing on operating tables due to WT's no-blood policy. JWs are committing suicide and taking others with them due to WT's disfellowshipping, disassociating & shunning doctrine...and the GBs are stumbled over someone with facial hair! God Almighty...something is idiotically wrong with this religion!

  • undercover

    When you say, 'midweek meeting video', does this mean that each and every congregation (in the US at least) sits and watches this tripe?

    Is this a weekly thing now? Watch a video of a crazy person instead of having live speakers and demonstrations?

    How is it anyone still is part of this religion???

  • freddo

    "When you say, 'midweek meeting video', does this mean that each and every congregation (in the US at least) sits and watches this tripe?"

    Oh yes - Worldwide even! We had it here in the UK on Tuesday night.

    I went (fading) and wanted to gauge reaction to this and report back.

    The brother (pretty certainly PIMI) sat in the same row as me leaned over and whispered "this guy (Lett) always makes me laugh" - I was pleasantly surprised at his comment - and unlike most in attendance he didn't clap like a seal at the end.

    Out of a cong of 65/70 publishers there were 35/40 in attendance. What a crock of shit.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad
    When you say, 'midweek meeting video', does this mean that each and every congregation (in the US at least) sits and watches this tripe?


    Is this a weekly thing now? Watch a video of a crazy person instead of having live speakers and demonstrations?

    Yep...again! And as freddo says...that explains why meeting attendance is so damn low in most congregations...YAY!

    Our congregation has 150 publishers cards and Tuesday's attendance was 85.

  • ToesUp

    "Out of a cong of 65/70 publishers there were about 35/40 in attendance. What a crock of shit."

    Karma is doing her job! Good news for us who no longer get to see the numbers decline.

    We were "stumbled" by Anthony Morris' talk a few years ago about tight pants, spanx and Brothers not being worth a damn if they are not MS's by the age of 23. The GB can "stumble" the sheep but that's ok, they are the Almighty GB!! The hypocrisy is through the roof!!!

  • AverageJoe1

    Absolutely ridiculous. However, I pointed out that he mentioned three things and you can't just pick one (like most elders do with beards) and leave the other two. That being the case, how many JWs do you know that have stopped drinking or wearing makeup because it "stumbles" others? NO-ONE! So why single out beards?

    Stupid American JW culture that forces their opinion on everyone else. The very first item in this week's meeting said that the Greek word for "to stumble" means to "fall into sin" so if a JW says that a brother wearing a beard stumbles them then:

    1) They are accusing that brother of sinning by making them stumble, and

    2) They themselves are admitting to sinning by being stumbled.

    The word "stumble" is mostly misused instead of the words "don't like" by uber-JWs. They really mean that they DON'T LIKE beards, not that beards MAKE THEM STUMBLE. If they really were stumbled, then why are they still loyal JWs and attending meetings?????

    Lett's talk is just so ridiculous. "Your right to wear a beard"? It's not clothing you stupid man. That's as idiotic as saying "your right to grow your hair" or "your right to go to the toilet"! If it stumbles my brother then I guess I'll just have to be constipated!!!

  • days of future passed
    days of future passed

    It would be great to have a comic illustration of Jesus coming with all the angels on his white horse, sword in hand - only to be confronted by Lett saying "Oh Jesus, didn't you listen to my broadcast? All these beards you're wearing... do you want to stumble me and the congregations? Now just go back and shave before you destroy the wicked"

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Funny about hair and people's reaction to its growth/length.

    Both men and women make passes -- "Your long hair is so romantic": some ask to stroke my beard; others say my looks would improve sans all the hair on the head (almost halfway down my back): "I'm getting out my scissors!" Some people have no decorum. Ever since I was a kid, I wanted long hair, but it wasn't allowed (for all the obvious reasons).

    It amazes me how many old men like me have long hair and beards. I live in redneck country.

    I no longer care what anyone says.

  • snugglebunny

    Stumbled by a beard or alcohol? LOL. What a bunch of bloody snowflakes!

  • sparky1

    This article is from 2014 but it gives an interesting perspective nonetheless.


    Will beards soon be sprouting on the faces of the Governing Body a.k.a. the C.E.O'S of Jehovah's Organization?

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