Our Leadless Feeler: Bush and Business School

by Phantom Stranger 12 Replies latest social current

  • DakotaRed
    I'm eagerly anticipating the newly elected Democrat President's bashing that will surely ensue next Fall

    hehe, don't hold your breath

    As far as parties go, I'd prefer to see them done away with, myself. Get back to what person is best. But, if we are stuck with parties, the others should also be allowed fair representation as well.

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    As far as which person was best, Dubya wasn't even the best GOP candidate in 2K - I would have crossed party lines for McCain, and I know a lot of Dems that would have joined me (I was dreading a McCain vs. Bradley race). And what's the difference, from an honor point of view, between not showing up when called up to ship out, and not showing up when you promised you would when you joined the Guard? (Which was my point).

    The Clinton reference must be in re someone else - I've never commented on Clinton on this board as far as I recall. Shows how little we expect from the office when we're arguing over which one sucked less in their manner of avoiding combat service.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Was this the same George W. Bush that said, "Bring em on"?


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