thank you all my defenders

by Mulan 117 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan

    Hi to all who defended me on that other board.

    I came home today to NINE PM's, all defending me from the personal attacks on me, on another board. I am still in shock, but I do appreciate the words of those who defended me.

    One gal called me and told me she had FIVE phone calls from others expressing shock over the way I was being maligned on the other board.

    I am fine, and dealing with it. I guess we all need to expect to be criticized. Much of it is lies, and one person claims I emailed with her but I have no memory of the exchange. I think she is remembering emails from someone else.

    I try very hard to NOT be judgmental or Pharisaical, and I do know who I am, but when someone is critical of me, it still hurts. Oh well. Life goes on.

    Just for the record, I spend a large portion of my day helping my mother, who is having a bad problem with her back. We have a good relationship and if I were to tell her of the things I was accused of, on her behalf, she would be the first to defend me. She thinks I am wonderful for trying to get help for her, to save her money.

    Thanks again everyone.

  • Joyzabel

    sheeeesh, I leave for a couple of days and come home to this!!!! YIKES


    I don't know what is going on, but YOU do not need to be personally attacked.



  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    Is it too late to join the crowd? I'll defend ya...

  • wasasister

    Mulan: I actually registered at the "other board" just to reapond to this crap.

    If someone has not had to care for elderly parents, they have absolutely NO RIGHT to judge what you do or how you do it. Makes my blood boil.

    You are beautiful in so many ways. If others are jealous, then that is their problem.


    Wasa/of the also mature and beautiful class

  • DanTheMan

    what other board?

  • Valis

    Mulan...there are some cretinous people on the Internet and you schouldn't let them bother you. I've tried to defend people like you and Sheila, and Thunder, and xenawarrior, but most don't see the ugliness that people inflict upon us. Come here, play nice then go somewhere else and be ugly. Yuck! That place is like a pit of vipers and not really worth our time or emotional investment. It is hard to stay away, but just remember that crap won't come here cuz they haven't the nuts or the guts to come here with that. Not and keep their reputations as decent people in any case. Take care and don't let the trolls bother you.


    District Overbeer

  • Cassiline

    We have a good relationship and if I were to tell her of the things I was accused of, on her behalf, she would be the first to defend me.~~ Mulan

    ((( Mulan )))

    You have no need to justify your relationship with your parent(s). You are loved and considered to be one fine lady who has helped many with a kind word and advice. Your love for your Mother is quite evident and needs not be questioned. Kindness and support abound. You have so much on your plate and much to be proud of, after what you learned in Florida and today, you know where you stand, and it?s quite near the top.

    Cassi, who knows that your ?star? is one of the first on the ?Armageddon walk of fame?.

  • neverthere


    I have no idea where the other board is but I certainly stand by you.


  • Shutterbug

    There are a couple of very nasty people over there who equate attack posts with intelligence. Those of us who have the gall to disagree with them are considered clueless. I do not pretend to know why people like that feel the need to trash others, but have found it better to ignore them and stay off of any board on which they happen to be posting. Funny, they seem to go after the nicest and most decent of posters such as you and Thunder and Sheila.

    Develope sloping shoulders and let that Sh** slide right off. Bug

  • shamus


    There are VERY NASTY people over there... OMG! They start threads with explanatives and say how much they hate ppl that they have never met! (except for on the internet)

    This serves as a simple warning not to go over there unless you feel you can handle the heat, so to speak. I would rather not go over there at all... it's like being in junior high without any order. I think I'll stick with this board, thank you very much.

    If you hear of yourself being attacked over there, I strongly suggest that you dont' even bother to look... there are "some" real pathetic people over there. (not all of them, but some).

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