How many of you were the "perfect" guy/girl?

by talesin 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • talesin

    So true, LL

    I was talking with a fellow XJW from here lately, he told me I was considered "the catch", around here.

    I was shocked - I always put myself down at that time - they really squeezed us into a mold, didn't they?




  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    Oh, I was one of those obnoxious geeks that all the parents wanted their daughters to marry and none of the daughters could stand.

    Fortunately, I've gone through intensive cool training.

  • talesin

    omg, phantom

    I don't believe that - you are too cool for such geekdom! But the truth is, they were nice guys, just not in my league (to tell the truth, after I got out into the REAL WORLD)


    I'm a B** I know, but I really do like you PS, and I am a geek, too - just cause you are good-lookin, doesn't mean you're not a geek!! ().



  • Enishi

    Ya know its funny, I probably wasn't considered the most spiritual young brother in my hall since I didn't reach out for that many priveleges, but I got in less trouble than everyone.

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith
    Did you feel like a piece of meat?

    Exactly how I felt. From about age 14 on (grew boobies) I had every single MS looking me up and down. One in particular called dibs on me. Good luck buddy.

    I wasn't perfect and had no desire to be perfect. I'm settling for happy instead.

  • rem

    Well, I'm not proud of it, but after I moved to another city one of my new elders pulled me aside and said, "So, brother Brazil, I'm guessing you must walk on water." I didn't really understand what he was talking about until he told me that the elders in my old hall had just called him about me. So yeah, I guess I was kinda the perfect guy in that respect.


  • Mac

    Perfect?........ Oh, sorry..thought you were calling me out!!

    I was talking with a fellow XJW from here lately, he told me I was considered "the catch", around here.

    Sure, if anyone could catch you the way you scamper up trees........ ( The view is nice


  • morty

    Was I perfect? NO. Was I treated like a piece of meat? hell Yes! I was the type that was you could say was very developed...I use to get all the looks from the young dubs and the married ones.....I also got the "look"Eyes from there married wifes.You know,the one that could kill if you turned your back and they would not think about stabbing you! I was just a very over developed young teenager..My parents even had a brother come to the house in regaurds to me "stuffing" myself...This was not true at all..I was totally humiliated...


  • Mac
    I was just a very over developed young teenager.

    So you came out all fuzzy then......right??


  • morty

    yes fuzzy that I had to be straightened out!


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