My talk today with my JW neighbor

by bebu 29 Replies latest jw experiences

  • bebu

    She stopped by this morning; looks like she just finished with going out in service. She wanted to let me know that she had contacted an elder and asked him about this sex scandal issue, and that he knew about it, and had some information or transcript that she could look at. She came to tell me that she wanted to come over on Monday, and talk further about these things: she'd watch the Dateline show on the internet, off Jourles' site (Check it out, folks.) She admitted that she had no answers for the questions as to why the WT would disfellowship victims.

    We spoke further, and I told her how relieved I was to be able to talk about something so difficult with her, and that our relationship was not so weak that it couldn't hold up sharing difficult subjects from the heart.

    She confessed to me that her own experience with bungling elders, who did nothing to reprove or admonish her husband when he mistreated and abandoned her, has been a real trial to her. This is what I've come to understand in roundabout discussions, but the first time she's ever said this clearly.

    I'm looking forward to Monday; she's coming at 1:00.


  • Mulan

    This is so great! You are handling her just right. Keep it up and let us know the next results.

  • bebu

    God bless you, too, Mizpah! I have really appreciated your posts a lot.

    Someday, God will reveal the "truth" to all of us. In the mean time, Christ is enough truth for all us.

    Amen. I will be quoting this to her sometime, I'm sure.

    Jayhawk (and all I've missed) thanks for those kind words!


  • jayhawk1

    Good luck with the next meeting.

    She confessed to me that her own experience with bungling elders, who did nothing to reprove or admonish her husband when he mistreated and abandoned her, has been a real trial to her. This is what I've come to understand in roundabout discussions, but the first time she's ever said this clearly.

    What a shock that the "good ol' boys" didn't do anything to help her with that man. Let me guess, she can't remarry, and still be a member (that is if she ever wanted to) because that would be adultery. How loving.

  • jgnat

    Bebu, I am at a loss of words, which is very hard to do. Wonderful story, wonderful friendship. Keep up the good work.

  • Special K
    Special K

    Hi Bebu..

    I have read all your posts here and .. I just got sooooo excited about this.

    I've been reading a book called.. "Releasing the Bonds".. by Seven Hassan.

    The book on the back cover is described as..

    "In Releasing the Bonds, leading cult expert and licensed mental health counselor Seven Hassan describes a groundbreaking new approach that will help free many from the grip of destructive mind control."

    In his book he refers to different groups being cults.. with J.W.'s being one as well.

    I'm about 1/4 way into the book and his new approach is called.

    Strategic Interactive Approach.. or SIA.

    This technique involves a hands on approach that encourages friends and families to make progress one step at a time through what he calls "mini-interactions"... like phone calls, letters, or face to face visits.


    The firsts step was to build a trust and raport with the person. Which is something you have already built up. Your interactions with her have been nothing but loving and kind.

    I wish I could zap this book to you bebu. I think it would really help...

    My one worry is that the elders will scare her off and try to control her input of information or her association with you. Keep that high level of trust between the two of you going.. because that is real important.

    I could write a book on what is in this book....but that would be overload.

    I will keep tuned in to your posts.


    Special K

  • SpunkyChick

    Bebu - What a great story! Keep us posted as to how your meeting together turns out!!

  • bebu

    Thanks for the recommendation, Special K. I will look online to see if my library has it available.


  • CruithneLaLuna

    Although I have chosen a non-Christian path in the aftermath of my JW experience, if kindness and reasonableness like yours were more common, I would have much more positive feelings about Christianity and about religious, practicing Christians in general. I feel that anyone whose love is inclusive, and who wants to work side by side with others for a more just, free, healthy and happy world is in principle my brother or sister.

    Thank you for posting this story. I too am interested in its outworking.


  • Special K
    Special K

    Hey Bebu..

    I was wondering if you got to talk to your neighbour anymore today.. Monday ????


    Special K

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