Have Yall Begun Your Christmas Shopping Yet?

by Frannie Banannie 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    I always start in September,I cannot stand the rush when it gets closer to christmas.I'm not a mall person when it is busy.

    WOW, Shera! I really should start earlier....I'm not a mall person either....buy from catalogs whenever I can...

    I have some things bought, which is good. We had to buy a new furnace this month ($3000) so money will be a bit tight this year.

    Ah, but, Mulan....you have such a wonderful, lovely family, I'm sure that whatever is given will be appreciated with love....a special time for yall.

    Frannie B

  • GentlyFeral

    No - and since I am the Ur-Christmas-Slut, it's a little scary. This year, I don't want anything, I'm finally accepting that my family is not "into" Christmas, and ...

    We're just going to go have dinner with a friend of my daughter's.

    Maybe I'm coming down with something.


  • Mac

    Why......is it December 24th already?


  • DevonMcBride

    I'm about half done


  • rocketman

    One thing about being a jw - it saves money around Xmas time. So I get real jw-ish during the holidays!

    ~best of both worlds class~

  • Panda

    I enjoy the last minute shopping which keeps me much more festive because I avoid all the other shoppers who "started early".

    Now decorating is really fun!!!!

    Hugs, PandaClaus

  • waiting

    I found the neatest thing that I wanted - something for the kitchen (and I'm the non-cook of my family). Well, didn't buy it for myself, but bought one in different colors for immediate family (so they can swap colors) - and one for my *adopted* daughter here.

    lol - and they can be bought on Ebay too - look under Williams Sonoma stuff. Really cool, practical, pretty & I know they don't have 'em. People who cook or entertain with breads will like them. If you want me to tell you.....pm me.

    I'm done, and the store wrapped them for me. I put the bow on & under the tree they'll go! (I made the little lady at the store go hunt for her Christmas wrap in September.)

    I could get the hang of this stuff. I'm quite proud of myself. Last year was a pain in the rear.

    resting waiting

  • neverthere

    Hey Frannie,

    I start my Christmas shopping on BOXING DAY. Yep, I am one of those sick minds that buys what they can as soon as it is on SALE. Comes from being Scottish (CHEAP)LOL.

    I have more than 2/3 of my shopping done already.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I have almost all of it done.

    Just need one gift for my mother-in-law and gotta find somthing for hubby.

    Almost all the gifts have to be mailed across country so I always start early

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    No - and since I am the Ur-Christmas-Slut, it's a little scary. This year, I don't want anything, I'm finally accepting that my family is not "into" Christmas, and ... We're just going to go have dinner with a friend of my daughter's.

    Maybe I'm coming down with something.

    awww, GF....well....I hope you have a safe and peaceful holiday, sweetums....and don't get carpet burns on yer chin...

    Why......is it December 24th already?

    LOL@Mac! ah-HA! One of those last-minute shoppers, eh?

    Frannie B

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