When you were in

by Esmeralda001 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • KateWild
    Converting into this religion is not the result of an healthy ego. Something must be wrong with me. I'll figure it out. - Esmeralda

    This isn't necessarily the case. Everyone has problems in life. No one is normal. This is a cult that recruits people. All the converts have been recruited with proven techniques. Return visits and love bombing.

    Some born in JWs think normal is towing the line, being the same. But the world has a variety of personalities with various opinions. Colourful and exciting.

    You are free thinking and have opinions. Don't lose that part of your personality. Stay colourful and exciting.

    Take care

    Love Kate xx

  • Introvert 2
    Introvert 2

    Very true Kate, an open minded person looks into things. I converted in '00 because I thought they were teaching biblical truth, but had a rude awakening with the last Revelation book study in '07 But being orphaned in my teenage years and soon having to take over a business in my made my life such that I was and am very different than my peers. Also was attracted with the hope of seeing my dead loved ones again and all would be good, any day now..

    I consider myself a biblical Christian plain and simple. No middlemen, central college or GB. If I have to go at it alone outside of any sort of congregation then so be it.

  • LongHairGal

    Hi Esmeralda:

    I was in the convert category. Raised Roman Catholic and had a fairly "normal" childhood. Enjoyed holidays and school activities. Was a young adult with a full-time job when I got involved with the Witnesses. Thankfully, I have no family there and when I later came to my senses I reunited with them.

    The attraction? I was interested in end-time prophecy and the Witnesses made themselves out to be the only religion that had "answers". All these years later, of course, I can say I was a victim of bait-and-switch. They also said everybody was "equal" and there was no hierarchy. Another lie.

    I had several rude awakenings pretty early on. I found out they have serious issues about women and modesty and also about responsible people who work for a living.

    I got the sense that some people there thought I "owed" somebody something! I had NO intention of giving money to ANYBODY there who thought they were going to go leisurely door-knocking full-time - while they expected handouts from hard-working people who they CRITICIZED for working full-time!!! Yes, Esmeralda, there is a very unhealthy attitude there towards careers and college and some JWs don't want to be part of the workforce!!! This is why I'm not interested in anybody's hard-luck stories there!

    At first, I pushed these observations to the back of my mind for a long time and they were not, initially, the reason why I left. But, added up with the 1995 Generation teaching and the general attitudes towards women and other numerous things like the lack of love, judgmentalism, gossip, shunning, hypocrisy, changed teachings, scandals, etc. I walked away.

    I am telling you all this from MY standpoint as a single woman there. Many people on this forum are men (ex-brothers) and, believe me, they cannot relate, NOR do they want to, to the experience of a single woman!

    Also, never forget, a woman has a small window of time to get her education and get established in a career. Even though we are almost in 2016, a woman STILL has to either get married and have a man support her OR she needs a career to support herself.

    The religion is expert in wasting people's time and their lives, don't forget this!

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  • Esmeralda001

    thank you very much @longhairgal!!!!! Although i'm not baptised, I sort of can relate. Your experience will be mine if I don't run away.

    take care. Bisous, bisous.

  • Alive!

    Hi there,

    I was a convert - I had a widish circle of non witness friends, and throughout life made 'good' friends easily....but, I did have low self esteem which was painted over by what appeared a super abundance of confidence...so a bit of a complex thing going on with me. I'm always looking out to see if I have met with approval - a little tiring I can tell you :-)

    Back to 'then' - I had lost my parents and was mourning their loss. I was searching for answers.

    I didn't expect to find them in the bible - so when a very successful 'business person' who was JW started talking with me - I was fascinated. Really fascinated and excited. The bible prophecies all seemed to 'fit' - the JWs hated religion apparently - yay!!! Me too!!

    Slowly but surely I was introduced to a wide range of born in witnesses - the 'nutty' ones were introduced to me with a wink and a warning. Dozens of born ins would seem to seek out our company - and would say how reassuring and encouraging it was to see us 'get the truth'.

    Fast forward - over the years we experienced and observed some terrible betrayals amongst JWs, the culture was concerning. I surpressed internal red flags - after all, doesn't love cover a multitude of sins?

    Ultimately it was the deceit, the dishonesty of our publications which started to weary and depress me to a point where I was forced to ask myself - is this really the truth? The sneaky and coercive 'voice' I heard in our publications - the switch and bait tactics.

    Somehow, this didn't sound like the voice that Jesus promised. Would Jesus treat a sincere, tender hearted follower with such dismissive words, belittling any concerns?

    Keep searching - don't stop with the JWs - there is a good reason that people who do not have a 'healthy ego' join cults.

    I was one of them - I just made a fantastic impression of being well balanced - but underneath, years in the org damn near destroyed my mental and emotional health.

    Take care

    Et bisou petite. X

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