Michael Cohen... sleazebag or patriot?

by Queequeg 61 Replies latest social current

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic

    Do you think violating campaign finance laws and lying on financial forms breaks the law?

  • Tobyjones262

    CL, even if Trump is guilty of what they are saying every politician is guilty of the same infraction. This does not rise even if true and still no evidence it is true to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors.

  • Simon
    Do you think violating campaign finance laws and lying on financial forms breaks the law?

    So what should have happened to Obama for the huge violations of his campaign?

    Oh right, you don't really care about these things at all do you - Obama's was in the $millions, you are bothered about $k's all of a sudden>

    BTW: Tonyhones262 - when you use expressions such as "libtard" and "asshat" you lose the debate. They are unnecessary and don't contribute to any meaningful discussion.

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic

    Are you aware that violating the Federal Election Campaign Act Title 52 is a felony?

    Are you aware that falsifying a Public Financial Disclosure Form is also a felony?

    The checks Trump signed are evidence that Trump committed these two crimes - at the very least. Make no mistake, Trump is in serious legal jeopardy. If he were in any other office or if he were a private citizen he'd already be in handcuffs. The only thing protecting him right now is DOJ guidelines not to indict a sitting president.

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic

    Simon, I'm not really sure why you're trying to make this a partisan issue. If Obama committed campeign finance violations than he should go to jail. Pure and simple.

    But no matter what Obama did or didn't do - it doesn't change the fact that if Trump broke these laws he should be kicked out of office for cheating in the election. Period.

  • Tobyjones262

    Codedlogic You jump from alleged to fact. You are being very very dishonest. Boarding on lying if not lying. Cohen alleged that the money was for partial repayment of hush money. What you refer to as "fact" is in fact not fact. You want so badly for Trump to be guilty you will believe anything a convicted felon says in a he said she said moment to get a lesser sentence to get from A to B. At the end of the day you have shit for evidence. Paying hush money to keep quiet an embarrassing thing from coming out is not breaking the law. The only way its breaking CF is if its done because he was trying to keep it quiet for his election. Only Trump has that information and he says it was to keep his family from knowing. Its not provable and at the end of the day its a huge nothing burger.

  • MeanMrMustard

    Is it worth pointing out that what Donald Trump did wasn’t a crime? Is it worth posting all the references to the former FEC chairman saying it was NOT a campaign expenditure?

    Around we go... weeeee

    You would think that the Democrats would at least notice the pattern of “Donald Trump did XYZ REEEE!”, then time passes, then everyone realizes it’s a nothing burger. I mean as a matter of sheer strategy at least.

  • Simon
    Simon, I'm not really sure why you're trying to make this a partisan issue. If Obama committed campaign finance violations than he should go to jail. Pure and simple.

    Well he did (commit the violations) but didn't (go to jail / be removed as president).

    What does this tell you? That those seeking to have Trumps far lesser, even if it were true, violation be cause to remove him from office are the partisan ones here.

    But no matter what Obama did or didn't do - it doesn't change the fact that if Trump broke these laws he should be kicked out of office for cheating in the election. Period.

    Remind me again who's being partisan? $2m violation is OK for Obama but $35k is cause to overrule the result of the election because the left don't respect election results.

    Even if Trump did the things alleged, it's a nothing burger. It's a $5k fine, max, going off the previous precedents.

    Your problem is you swallow the democrat cool-aid and can't evaluate things rationally as a result. You have a real bad case of Trump derangement syndrome.

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic

    Really? You think Obama's campaign filing a report 48 hours after a deadline is the same thing as Trump personally trying to circumvent election laws?

    Obama's campaign missed a deadline (a civil infraction) - and paid a fine of $375,000 dollars for it. What do you think the punishment for Trump falsifying a Public Financial Disclosure Form (a felony) should be?

  • minimus

    Toby Jones, you are correct about the check.Mean MrMustard too!

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