Enjoying a beer

by CruithneLaLuna 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • CruithneLaLuna

    Hi Friends,

    I am enjoying a beer, which is nothing remarkable, except that I really LIKE the taste of beer, and haven't had one in a year or so. It's only a Bud Light, which some of you beer connoisseurs may look down your noses at (and I appreciate the more expensive and exotic brands, too), but hey, it's a BEER, and I haven't had one in a long time!

    So, I hereby drink to you (hic!) and wish we could all be together somewhere ... in a big park, perhaps, enjoying our refreshments of choice, meeting, mixing, mingling, talking, smiling, having a good time - including some animated and stimulating discussions, perhaps, but no arguments, per se (which, according to Dave Barry, means "as long as they don't lay eggs in my salad" - never mind, if you haven't read the book. [context = "I like butterflies, per se."])

    May you all enjoy your days, evenings, nights, and mornings, wherever on this Big Blue Ball you are situated.



  • iiz2cool

    You haven't had a beer in a year or so??? DAMN!!! Were you incarcerated? How did you survive a year without BEER???

    I'm out of beer right now, but I'll raise a glass of scotch to ya!



  • Lapuce

    Oh boy, I couldn't survive a year!!!! I'll go and have one now, no wonder so many brothers that I remembered drank so much when they didn't go to the hall it was the only enjoyable thing they had left in the borg, and I guess the sex if they were married and then again forget the sex....


  • StinkyPantz

    Cheers!! I am having a Captain Morgan and Coke myself.

  • Athanasius

    Cheers. I'm having a Red Tail Ale. Nothing like a great microbrew to finish the day.

  • heathen

    I love beer . One year without one is unspeakable . I like budweiser too but prefer the german imports such as Becks .

  • Mac


    mac(of the actually drinking a gin & tonic class, but if I was drinking a beer..........)

  • StinkyPantz

    I didn't realize how many Alkies we had on the board.

  • Sassy
    I like budweiser too but prefer the german imports such as Becks .

    Good taste. Becks if a favorite of mine.

    I didn't realize how many Alkies we had on the board.

    I come from a long line of Alcoholics and am proud of it.


    Well I am having a vodka and coke (caffeine free). My bf called me and woke me up from the dead of sleep and we talked for a while. Now I can't seem to fall back asleep. So here I am hoping this little 'whet the whistle' will relax me and let me fall back into never never land.

    side note: I am positive I could not go a yr w/o beer.

  • breeze

    I love beer but a few years ago I started HAVING STOMACH PAINS AFTER JUST THREE BEERS?

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