What's the point in being Married?

by YoursChelbie 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • IronGland

    The purpose of marriage is to turn a guy from this

    into this

    taking a happy, heathy,carefree guy and molding him until he spends the final 20 yrs or so of life downing cheap beer and thinking to himself "when I die? When ? please let me die!" Finally at the sad end he is reduced to that tiny stopped shell of a man following his wife around the mall holding an armful of useless junk his harpy wife has purchased to add to the ever growing piles of junk and trinkits in the home. It is indeed a tragic thing to see once proud creature reduced at the end to a mumbling shufflefooted walking corpse--cold even to the touch.

  • YoursChelbie

    Iron, that's really funny...

    I personally know some SINGLE guys who have never been married and they look identical to your last photo of the guy in front of the tv, holding a beer. So, you know, life is what you make it.

    As far as the topic, I really would like to just get some feedback from anyone who is/was in a marriage but that their view of fidelity is different from their spouses and how this has worked out --or not--- for you.


  • Maverick

    Roddney Dangerfield once said marriage is a three ring circus, First the engagement ring, second the wedding ring, and then third the suffering!

    As a man, not likely I'm gonna do that again! (15 years)

    As a father of a daughter, he better, or I'm gonna have a talk with that boy!

    Maverick, a hypocrite and I don't care!

  • tinkerbell82
    It is indeed a tragic thing to see once proud creature reduced at the end to a mumbling shufflefooted walking corpse--cold even to the touch.

    he couldn't have been too proud and noble in the first place if he could be reduced to a drooling couch potato zombie by a mere slip of paper and a piece of jewelry.

  • zeena1998
    Marriage is for the birds, well, not all just certain kinds.

    Like cookoo birds, perhaps??


  • gumby

    Here's the problem,

    When two people REALLY fall in love with each other.......the common feeling is to be hurt when one sleeps with someone else. Why does that feeling happen? Why is a woman hurt? Why is a man hurt?

    It seems the natural human tendency is to be hurt if you find your mates has secretly slept with another. Is this feeling from religious influence? I don't think it is......I think it is natural. The contrary action of this is for many to think they will get a little on the side if they want .......as long as in no way shape or form they will get caught, as they still love their mate, .......they just wanted some"special entertainment". Problem with this idea is........they usuallly do get caught then their life is hell. And so the answer to this dilema is...............................


  • jwbot

    The point is to save on taxes, and justify your relationship to religion and/or the government. It does not mean a more stable relationship...it is just lip service to whomever you bow down to.

    It does have secular benifits, which is the reason it should be extended to those who can not but want to marry, like gays.

  • IronGland
    he couldn't have been too proud and noble in the first place if he could be reduced to a drooling couch potato zombie by a mere slip of paper and a piece of jewelry.

    Indeed. It's not the slip of paper. It's the mortgage. And goodbye to the wild and fun friends. And then it's lets have kids. And lets have a bigger house. And "honey, instead of doing something fun this saturday, how bout give me your credit card while you stay home and clean gutters. And stop whatever it is you're doing. I want more things, then why are you at the office so much? "So i Can pay the bills for all your junk" You dont pay attention to me." thats cuz i spend my life working to buy you more junk". Finally its " Im leaving and im taking the kids, i've found someone else more exciting and fulfilling". Yeah, he's fun and exciting because he;s not married. Now that he's found you,all excitement will end for him soon

    Just to clarify tinkerbell, I mean 'you' in the general sense, not you personally.

    And yes, im being more than a little sarcastic. I've been in a relationship for a while now, and will no doubt soon be on my way to wedded bliss.

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    Marital fidelity is more than just sex (or lack of outside of marriage)

    Marriage is older than Jehovahs Witnesses teachings, and is universal.

    In my experience, I married at age 30 (after much dating many people) because I met a girl (non JW) who was compatible with me, we loved each other and wanted to have children together. I suppose that is it, finding someone you know ( as was mentioned previously) and can trust, and most importantly, will GROW with. Ups and downs are routine in any relationship. The children are the "icing on the cake" and make it all worthwhile, provided, that is if you want them. We had lived together for two years before making the big commitment and when my wife to be said she wanted a big Catholic wedding at St Patricks Cathedral in NYC, I gasped and said "how about a justice of the peace?" She really wanted that big wedding and that is what we did. I will say that the positive energy and well wishes of all of the guest was a real "high". Wonderful memories. NOTE: that came after my departure from JWs


  • tyydyy

    I think most people marry for stability. Or for social and/or economic reasons.

    If I met someone and fell in love with them and they wanted to get married then I probably would....if they didn't want to get married I would probably be ok with that too...I want whomever I am with to feel good about our relationship and if being married makes them feel better about it then that's what we will do.....

    For me the most important thing in my relationship with someone I love is that they are happy, cause that is what makes me happy

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