JW's - lack of knowledge of their own beliefs

by Illuminated 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Illuminated
    Control is not about the teachings, it is about the concept that they are a special people. I think the GB are becoming more aware of that, and so have cut back on heavy doctrine, and now push more the idea that they are the chosen ones, and there are no one else on earth like JWs. The doctrine are basically just filler to make the religion look legitimate. 

    Reminds me of how pedophiles lure and confuse the victim by giving them attention and making them feel special, except the WTS does it on a larger scale. It's pretty sick.

  • Viviane
    Religious people in general are often ignorant of their own religious doctrine.
  • Illuminated
    Religious people in general are often ignorant of their own religious doctrine.

    Some are. Yet, the ones I know, choose their mind over handing their minds to a group of men to control for them. It's extremely contradicting, dangerous and strange to claim you have the truth, know the truth, preach about it, hand your entire life over, yet be ignorant of what you actually believe.

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