Stats just out: JWs in Wales decline (-3.4%) - COs primed for zero baptisms!

by Darth FayDehr 52 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Vidiot
    lastmanstanding - "...GB (goof balls)..."

    How the hell did no one ever come up with that before???

  • Vidiot
    "...some of their beliefs may come as a surprise..."


    "...some of their beliefs sound really fuckin' weird..."

  • Vidiot
    Incognito - "...the same JWs attending on multiple weekends only seems to artificially inflate the numbers attending each convention..."

    Damn, I'd never even thought of that.

    You're absolutely right, though... wonder they don't "counsel" against it.

  • Vidiot
    Incognito - "As so few are now being baptised, perhaps WT will assign a number of current JWs who were baptised pre 1980s to become re-baptised. Prior to mid 1980s, those baptised agreed to different questions during the baptism talk, so by being re-baptised, all current JWs will have commited to the same questions. By assigning only a few each convention, the number visibly baptised can be extended over multiple conventions."

    Clever; sounds almost like a Scientology tactic.

    Ten bucks says someone at WTHQ has taken it into consideration, too. :smirk:

  • _Morpheus
    In the "Wales online" they interviewed some particularly well educated Witnesses, including a New convert. One woman from a Welsh farming community said the singing prayers in Welsh makes her cry

    A lot of North Wales congregations are assigned to the Liverpool Assembly.
    That could be why the numbers are less in Cardiff.

    ahhh i love finding the nuggets of truth hidden amongst the chaff.

  • Incognito
    sounds almost like a Scientology tactic - Vidiot

    Yes. As discussed in the Leah Remini series, Scientology often make changes to their books, and then require all Scientologist to re-purchase those books, often resulting in many thousands $ additional income from each member.

    If WT make changes to baptism requirements, then they could conceivably require existing JWs to confirm their dedication by being re-baptised.

    I understand it has always been an option for anyone reinstated after being disfellowshipped, to reconfirm their dedication, although not many did so. Maybe WT will start to require all who are reinstated to be baptised so as to make it appear more are being baptised than are in reality. They can then claim how "faith strengthening" it is to see the number being baptised as increasing, assuming some will return after having been DF'd.

  • Vidiot
    Incognito - "...Maybe WT will start to require all who are reinstated to be baptised so as to make it appear more are being baptised than are in reality. They can then claim how 'faith strengthening' it is to see the number being baptised as increasing..."

    Ten bucks says some Bethel-based flunky assigned to monitor this forum is reading this and thinking, "hmmm..."


    Seriously though...

    ...there's regular, garden-variety shady, and then there's Nigerian-email shady.

    This leans towards the latter.

    I don't know if they'd have the balls.

  • Vidiot
    "...One woman from a Welsh farming community said the singing prayers in Welsh makes her cry..."

    Pretty sure I would, too. :smirk:

  • eyeuse2badub

    I told my 'elder' brother who attends a congregation of 75 but that averages only 40-45 for most meetings not to feel bad. Those seemingly empty seats are actually occupied. With the use of eyes of faith, like in Christ's presence, the seats are filled 'invisibly'.

    just saying!

  • Phizzy

    If they were to require re-baptism for those baptized before 1980 as posited above, this would mean those of us who were baptized before then could not be considered as having a valid baptism.

    Hence, they would have no power to DF or DA us, no mater what we do now !!

    That is how it should work, of course the vindictive bastards would still find a way to take action, especially against a wicked old Apostate like me.

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