Introducing Our Rockstar Governing Body

by pale.emperor 60 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • waton

    and wearing two aprons? looks like a still from "all in the family".

    Some sisters might be carried away, but I see nothing extraordinary in these pictures, except some class lady gb member wife. nothing like scenes with Elvis or the Beatles.

  • LongHairGal

    Even though taking pictures is considered normal nowadays, it's a little sickening to see this hero worship. Most of these men I wouldn't know if I fell over them.

    It's also sickening to see the picture of the little girls carrying the religion's logo bags. I just happened to pass a Kingdom Hall yesterday and saw that logo on the building. Somehow a corporate logo does not give a feeling of warmth or spirituality. The JW old timers must be turning in their graves.

  • jp1692

    konceptual99: Most people would roll their sleeves up when doing even a trivial amount of washing up. Especially if they were wearing a nice timepiece and cufflinks.

    Exactly. I'm calling bullshit on that picture of Anthony Morris "washing dishes." Totally staged!

    Fake news ... LOL!

  • darkspilver

    FWIW here's the fuller uncropped version:

  • _Morpheus

    That is the phoniest most staged crap pic ever. Bull. Shit. As already noted, NOBODY wears long sleeves to wash dishes. Nobody wears french cuffs and cuff links. Nobody wears their nice watch (and i own a few). Bull. Shit.

  • pale.emperor

    And anyway, kitchens of that size use industrial dishwashers not sinks and taps to wash up.

  • undercover
    That is the phoniest most staged crap pic ever. Bull. Shit. As already noted, NOBODY wears long sleeves to wash dishes. Nobody wears french cuffs and cuff links. Nobody wears their nice watch (and i own a few). Bull. Shit.

    Gotta agree. Notice the rack going into the dishmachine only has three dishes in it, not full. Notice he's rinsing one item, with one item waiting. And he doesn't have a rack to the right waiting for pre-rinsed items. If he were actually pulling a dishwashing shift, knowing the amount of people they serve, it would be a completely different set up than shown.

    Completely staged, or giving him the benefit of the doubt, he's rinsing his own dishes during a midnight snack...

  • _Morpheus

    The big green egg crate is what they stack the dishes on to run them through the dishwasher, as seen in the pic. They have the sprayer and sinks for pre rinsing and such. So so so fake. And i bet the dubbs lap it up because it ls exactly what they want to see and believe. And i really dislike that arrogant jackass in particular.

    *edited to add- posted at the same time as undercover on the kitchen details ;)

  • undercover
    kitchens of that size use industrial dishwashers not sinks and taps to wash up.

    the flight-type dishwasher is behind him. Most commercial kitchens have a pre-rinse sink to wash off the bulk before sending it through. I don't doubt that this is Bethel's kitchen dishwashing area, I doubt that he's actually pulling a dishwashing shift, the same as Brother Joe Nobody from Nowhere, KS would be doing.

  • My Name is of No Consequence
    My Name is of No Consequence

    I'd be smiling too if I was between to Asian hotties.

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