Tony Morris video footage of him buying a dozen bottles of scotch

by UnshackleTheChains 519 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • no-zombie

    Yep ... he just looks like some sad old guy, sneaking out to buy some alcohol. But in all seriousness, he and the rest of the Governing Body have made for themselves a prison down at Warwick, a prison where they have to constantly put up this facade of unbridled righteousness 24/7. A place where they can't even be normal every now and then ... and do what we take for granted, like going down to the shops. The price of fame ... they can have it.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    This authentic video released on April Fools Day revealing the real GB Tony Morris stocking-up on expensive's like Christmas in April for the exJW community...Yay!

    I want to thank the individual who shot this video...Thank You!

  • johnamos

    quote - he just looks like some sad old guy, sneaking out to buy some alcohol. - end quote

    Seeing Tony, this song came to my mind.

    It would be great if someone were witty enough to rewrite the lyrics to fit Tony. Here’s a start though with lyrics that are there now that are fitting.

    0:34 ‘baggy pants' (cause he hates tight pants)

    3:56 ‘you see son, I drinks a bit’

  • Vidiot
    no-zombie - "... in all seriousness, he and the rest of the Governing Body have made for themselves a prison down at Warwick, a prison where they have to constantly put up this facade of unbridled righteousness 24/7..."

    And yet, astonishingly, I'm not feeling particularly sympathetic. What a shock.

    Eight. Hundred. Bucks. Holy shitballs.

    They must have some truly epic parties at WTHQ.


  • john.prestor

    They get a monthly stipend of what at Bethel, 200, maybe? He spent half a yearish of his salary on booze... but I doubt that's his money he's spending. Sophia's ice cream money goes a long way.

  • dubstepped

    I'm probably alone here, or maybe I don't get it because I don't drink, or maybe I'm unknowingly just being oppositional or overthinking, but it feels like manufactured outrage to me. I hate TPT. He's the most punchable of the GB. But in this instance the guy is doing something that I wouldn't care about if I saw in a store. I'd assume he's buying for a party or something. I get that it's funny to imagine that he's drinking it all this week but it may not all be his at all.

    I guess if I was a JW I'd just see this as apostates nitpicking. There are so many things to nail the guy on but in this instance most would think he was cool on some level. I get that kids donate their ice cream money in a video but I give to charities and don't expect every penny to go to only the end goal.

    So maybe I'm just no fun. I can see that side but it feels to me like hunting a guy down who's finally doing something like an outsider might do and now he's getting killed for it. Then again I don't like celebrity videos where paparazzi build a story out of something seemingly innocuous so maybe it's just me.

  • sir82

    I can see that side but it feels to me like hunting a guy down who's finally doing something like an outsider might

    do and now he's getting killed for it.

    But he's not just "a guy".

    He's a guy who regularly puts himself front and center on JW TV many times a year, and travels to speak to adoring crowds of 10's of thousands a dozen or more times a year at conventions. This year he will travel to 2? 3? 6? international conventions and expect to be adored by 50,000, 100,000, or more at each location, while staying at 5 star hotels and flying first class every leg of the journey.

    All the while he snarlingly & publicly condemns those who have the temerity, the utter gall, to wear clothes that he personally disapproves of. To get an education he disapproves of. To work at jobs he disapproves of.

    No wait, it's worse than that. He thinks Jehovah God has whispered in his ear that he and 7 buddies are the sole arbiters of what is good and righteous and acceptable to God. And then he thinks he has the [god-given] right to pass judgment on those he deems unworthy.

    So, I say if I want to snark at his pathetic appearance, at his utter hypocrisy, at his complete lack of empathy, at the contempt with which he would describe in one of his talks how unchristian an "average witness" buying a dozen bottles of booze on a Sunday morning when he thinks no JW is watching is....well, I'm going to take full advantage.

    /End rant.

  • redvip2000
    But in this instance the guy is doing something that I wouldn't care about if I saw in a store. I'd assume he's buying for a party or something. I get that it's funny to imagine that he's drinking it all this week but it may not all be his at all.
    I don't entirely disagree here. He is just buying liquor, but nevertheless there is something wrong with dropping $800 in liquor from donation money that rank and file JWs work hard to send over.To me that is the worse part. Even if you were to ask him and he has some bullshit excuse that he was having a get together, why do they need top shelf liquor? there are brothers around the world that don't even have top shelf food.
  • sir82

    there are brothers around the world that don't even have top shelf food.

    Fixed that for ya.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    For those of you who are making excuses for this drunk...Tony Morris!

    Correct me if I'm wrong...but didn't Canada Bethel just put out a Bethel video for newbie Bethelites about over imbibing/guzzling booze while at Bethel.

    The guy was just video taped buying 12+ bottles of 86 proof very expensive hard liquor quite possibly with the LORD's money.

    One more thing...this video explains why I've often wondered why Tony Morris sounds like he's stumbling, fumbling and slurring his words when he's public speaking...cause he's inebriated!

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