Watchtower is cashing in on China

by nakanozzi 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • nakanozzi
    Japanese brother in China recently revealed that

    many wealthy Chinese are interested in Watchtower’s teaching

    and donating money.

    Ex-COs and Ex-District Os are now preaching undercover in China,

    and, numberes of special pioneers in China are growing !

  • jookbeard
    whats the population of China? I'd like to see it to believe this so called growth. Lots of WT urban legends come out about China, remember how many jw's were meant to be in Russia when the Soviet Union broke up, some of the estimates were laughable

    The only "special" pioneer that I knew of in China, was sworn to absolute secrecy about the WTBTS's activities. I have heard that "preaching" consists of going into an Internet cafe, hanging around with questionable religious material on your screen, and then hoping that an interested one finds you. Who knows? It sounds dumb.

    I highly doubt the Chinese Government will allow a dangerous Xian sect that has habitually incited sedition to set up shop in their country. The WTBTS will never get a foothold in China. What's next, fabulous growth in India?? LOL!!!

    If you thought Russia was rough on dangerous cults, just wait....


  • nakanozzi

    A brother living in China, recently woke up revealed me this story.

  • crazy_flickering_light

    It is nothing so new, I think. It's a market for JW.ORG that's growing. Even years before, a lot of undercover witness preaching there. If you like to meet them, go to Hongkong, there everytime some of them, because of problems with the passport and a bethell there. I smuggle much literature, when I travel to china years before.

  • ttdtt

    I don't believe any of that for a moment. Why would wealthy Chinese be more interested than poor ones? And how is the money being collected and what's happening with it. There are no Donation boxes, and no easy way to hide it nor move it out of the country.

    Ex COs and Ex DOs - hogwash - just like all the hogwash you hear every few years about the work opening up in China. Never ever ever gonna happen.

    I know someone who went to South Korea, and they talked about China, the few that are there are ULTRA careful. Nothing is happening in China.

  • crazy_flickering_light
    China and Hongkong different areas. So the big business is in Hongkong. At bethell they told me, from there the people went out to china and pay a lot of stuff for all branches worldwide. It was also very strange at bethell Hongkong, a lot of locked places. We visit some wealthy chinese people there, which be jw or study. How the money went outside China (maybe to Hongkong) I don't know.
  • stuckinarut2
    Lots of witnesses are going over independently to preach...unofficially supported by the society...
  • ttdtt
    stuckinarut219 minutes agoLots of witnesses are going over independently to preach...unofficially supported by the society...
    No lots are not. Maybe a few here and there may be. There are so many reasons that make any kind of campaign there not viable it's not worth mentioning.

    You have 1.35 billion people there, and a handful of nuts going there to preach?
    Preach to a society that is completely conditioned to distrust outsiders, who often have to report on each other for any unusual behavior, and are not interested in christianity at all?

    Any who try have have to deal with being watched, bugged, followed, or deported for preaching, as this is a constant threat.

    By the way the have 200 dialects, making communication from outsiders not very easy.

    Anyone who tells you of the great work going on in china is delusional.

    p.s. Want to read a great article by a 'sister' who actually went to china to preach?
  • stuckinarut2
    Not trying to start an argument ttdtt, but I know of lots of 20somethings who have gone over under the guise of "students" but really to preach. They are not officially supported by the society though...

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