The underlying cause of rape

by Loris 74 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Swan

    How does one keep track of the old light and new light when the WTBTS does so many flip-flops? So what is the current version again? I think the only thing this old article shows is the consistency of the WTBTS toward women as victims and keeping them truly in the dark about what will happen to them in a JC.

    (The following spoof is presented tongue-in-cheek to mimic the sheer stupidity of the WTBTS and it's terrible attitude toward women over the decades.)

    If a woman doesn't scream when she's raped, then she should be DFed.

    Nope! We got new light. If you think you're going to be killed, better to keep quiet.

    Oh, look! The light just got brighter. What were you wearing? Ooooh! Really! And what kind of panties. Aaahhhh! Mmmm! That makes us horny just hearing about it. We think that means you really wanted it. You're DFed!

    Reason with your rapist from the scriptures and try and start a Bible study with him. If this doesn't work and he has a gun or a knife and threatens to kill you, then it is a conscience matter whether you scream or not.

    Hey, didn't we tell you that women should scream and fight? If you don't, it's pornea and you will be DFed!

    If you are in physical danger and will further enrage your attacker by screaming, it is alright to avoid screaming during a rape.

    The world's leading experts in rape tell us that you shouldn't fight a rapist, but according to an ancient Bible law in hmmnnmm chapter hmmnmmm and verse hmmnmnnmn, if you don't scream you are just a dirty whore and we are going to throw the book at you!


  • waiting
    waiting to the "older publications". If there is no newer publication on the subject matter, then the elders are bound to use the older publications as their reference point.

    The reasoning? Well, there's been no New Light - so the old publication must be the Current Light.

    Been up against that one before.

    Hey Swan,

    I think the only thing this old article shows is the consistency of the WTBTS toward women as victims and keeping them truly in the dark about what will happen to them in a JC.

    Naaaaaaaaaaa, I think the WTBTS's view of women is that they were created inferior to men, ate The Fruit, caused The Downfall of Adam.............and entice men into raping them.

    Thus, the women make themselves victims. Of course, this WT thinking has progressed over the some areas.

    Btw, you do know that the WTBTS changed the Old Light of screaming during a rape? Well, new, old, new, old, new, old, new, old. I think about 11/12 or more times. A woman could get df'd or not depending upon which year she was raped.

    The women who failed to scream during the Not OK Not To Scream years? Well, they were never re-instated because of the WTBTS changing doctrine. Why? Because they THOUGHT they were sinning, so therefore, they were. (The WTBTS is never wrong on a doctrine.)

    Btw, the Catholic Church uses this identical thinking for sinning. If you THINK you sinned - you did. Therefore, even when it's not a's a sin.


  • Odrade

    Bwahahahaha! Okay, that's really not that funny, but it did make me remember. When I was a girl, my mom wouldn't let me have any pretty underclothing because she said I would feel compelled to show them off, and that would lead to fornication.

    So, no pretties for me. I buy them now though.


  • shamus

    This is great ammunition for when a witness comes to the door. Just say, oh, my sister got raped (she did, BTW), and you think it's her fault b/c she was wearing "sexy clothing"... see ya freaks.

    I just cannot believe the lows of this organization. Right from the word of god, my ass.

  • avengers
    When I was a girl, my mom wouldn't let me have any pretty underclothing because she said I would feel compelled to show them off, and that would lead to fornication.

    So, no pretties for me. I buy them now though.

    And do you feel compelled to show them off?

    (oops. I don't know if I should have asked that.)

  • Odrade
  • czarofmischief

    rape is a crime of power. Always. Has nothing to do with sex or pleasure or physical joy.

    It's either about forcing someone to do something they don't want to, or "sneaking" it in and putting one over on someone who is helpless so you can laugh about it later...

    This is absurd twaddle.


  • ninecharger

    Sick power mad men are the underlying cause.

    A burglar rapes a 95 years old lady in her home.

    A young man is dragged into an alley and infected with aids.

    It has nothing to do with underwear.

    As for screaming - My mother was once grabbed on the way home from work (1955) and dragged into an alley. The man put his hands around her throat. She said that it was such a shock that her legs went weak, and she could hardly even croak. It was only as he started groping that she realised her life was in danger and she said "leave me alone or I shall scream and not stop." When she started screaming (Mom had a loud voice) he ran away.

    But what about those girls who don't have the strong character? My Mother never agreed with the scream/don't scream thing in all her years with the witlessness because of her own experience. It is never the victims fault.


  • berylblue
    However, he took a dislike to me that lasts until this very day.

    He's not alone.

  • waiting
    Right from the word of god, my ass. - shamus

    o shamus. leave it to a man to think his ass is god.

    waiting (joking)

    ps: edited to add - I am sorry about your sister. No one deserves the crime.

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