by Amazing 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • jurs

    to you know,
    i find it intersting that you made no comment on why you come here and talk to us apostates. why?

  • JT

    to you know,
    i find it intersting that you made no comment on why you come here and talk to us apostates. why?

    you need to understand that YK is what jw call a Spiritual Loser- in the org he like fred would not be entrusted to carry the mike on sunday

    when i first ran across this guy i thought he was a real Player on the wt scene you know Sub CO or City Overseer, etc

    then i found out he holds no position not even a flunky MS, but instead is a Young guy claiming to be ANOINTED

    ONCE i knew that about my man he then became an on going JOKE

    if there is one thing i know about the org you are either a player or you are a Flunky if you are a Male and my boy YK according to all of wt rules is a Flunky

    now to prove my point notice the very words of the WT head PR man describing how they view the guys who are elders

    Paducah Sun 1-28-01

    Mario Moreno, associate general counsel at the church's New York headquarters

    J.R. Brown, public affairs director for the church, Both Brown and Moreno said that the elders, who volunteer and are essentially untrained clergy,

    #######now notice how they view guys like YK who hold not position at all#######

    But he said because of the church's structure, the fact that such a member, if male, who would have fewer rights in the congregation, would not be serving in a leadership role would alert members that "he obviously lacks spiritual maturity."


    so as i stated they view guys like YK as a loser and spiritually weak

    so that tells you where he stands with his own group

    so the net is his only outlet- so don't take him too serious instead sit back and enjoy the show


  • kes152

    Ah, "You Know"

    I asked you:

    "WHERE was that "organization" during the 'medieval' times? What name was it called?"

    Then you answered:

    Paul said that all anointed Christians were enrolled as citizens of a heavenly city. That symbolic city is the capital of God's organization.

    You STILL did not answer the question. I did not ask "Where was the capital OF God's organization," I asked "Where was THE ORGANIZATION during medieval times?"

    Now if you are saying the organization was in heaven during those times.... please say so. ok? deal?

    Israel was always God's organization even during their apostasy.

    This is entirely incorrect and here is the scripture to PROVE it.

    Isaiah 50:1
    Isaiah 52:3

    Seeing that God SOLD them, they belonged to 'another' during their apostasy.

    My peace remains....

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