Wt "study" Participation, is it a "True Believer" Indication?-- or not?

by prologos 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sir82
    I don't see anything "out of the ordinary".
  • dbq407
    Usually about every week or so a certain elder will make sure to remind everyone to limit their comments to 30 seconds or less. You can tell it is a pet peeve of his when someone goes over the 30 second mark. Its funny to watch him get so upset about it.
  • Londo111

    It’s strange how “commenting” is treated as important as it is, a part of “true worship” that everyone is expected to do. “Expressions” was another synonym used that is a bit strange and spoken of in some reverence.

    There are less sanctions for not commenting than not going door to door or regular meeting attendance. Perhaps it’s because it’s not something reported on a slip of paper. But over time, people observe and judge. And of course, one cannot be appointed or retain their appointment without “participating”.

    In retrospect, what is most alarming is the adults, especially older ones, that would raise their hands and answer straight from the magazine, especially in a slow, stilted manner.

    On the other hand, some commenting in their own words would say things that were even more extreme than the Watchtower’s position or were plain nutty. For instance, one elderette, the wife of the COBE, condemned women remarrying after the death of their spouse.

  • prologos
    how about those that do not comment, but could, ? is their reluctance a sign of misgivings? in the local case, most of the elders, most of the male members. The most enthusiastic commentators see glory coming from the microphone in front of them.
  • Vidiot

    dbq407 - "Usually about every week or so a certain elder will make sure to remind everyone to limit their comments to 30 seconds or less. You can tell it is a pet peeve of his when someone goes over the 30 second mark. Its funny to watch him get so upset about it."

    I can actually sympathize.

    I hated those "superfine" commenters who basically reread the entire f**king paragraph.

  • freddo

    Commenting in my corner of hundred acre wood goes thus.

    Kids: Some say nothing or shyly lisp an answer that is whispered in their ears.

    Teenagers: Generally stay shtum except the precocious pioneer at age 15 who answers three times per meeting.

    Non-appointed brothers/ex appointed brothers who are not reaching out and sisters not pioneering and who are not elders' wives: Maybe one answer every couple of weeks.

    As above but ex-elder in an almighty sulk but goes to meetings because Jehovah knows he is right: No answers ever!

    Elders and MS's and brothers who pioneer: One answer per meeting.

    Elder wishing to make a point: Three times per meeting.

    Elder's wives: Two times per meeting

    Pioneer sisters: Two/Three times per meeting.

    Frustrated Single Pioneer sister: As many times as possible!

  • prologos
    freddo: "--As above (stumm) but ex-elder in an almighty sulk -- perhaps he is an ex-elder because of expressing himself too freely, and is now curbed, not allowed to comment, because of previously exposing wt fallacies?
  • BlackWolf
    I refuse to answer most of the time, sometimes my parents will make me find an answer ahead of time and I will act like I'm going to do it but then I don't and just blame it on my anxiety. I don't want to participate in the stupidity.
  • Island Man
    Island Man

    I don't think commenting necessarily indicates that someone is a true believer. Sometimes an awake JW might comment just to keep up appearances. Or maybe an awake JW might give comments that are geared at subtly hinting at TTATT or maybe to subtly counter extremist views shared in the literature or other comments.

    So I think the nature of the comments have to also be taken into consideration. Do the comments bear the mark of extremist JW views, blindly towing the Watchtower line; or are they more reasonable, thoughtful and sober encouraging balance, compassion, lack of judgmentalism, etc?

  • xjwsrock

    Island Man - I agree.

    The dose-of-sanity comment is all I can muster anymore. If the paragraph happens to be encouraging normal ethical behavior or discouraging unethical behavior then i can comment.

    If it's another we are right, the whole world is wrong, God is going to kill you if you are unfaithful, aren't the Governing Body amazing type paragraphs, then I can't do it. I have a visceral reaction to that BS propaganda now.

    I have gone many watchtower studies without finding one comment I could stomach making. I am an elder btw.

    To answer the OP - Is WT Commenting a True Believer Indicator? - Yes for those that are sincere. It is also a way to appear that you are a believer for those of us that are faking it for now.

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