A serious sex thread (seriously)

by logansrun 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • sens


    Behave plz

  • Vivamus

    My country makes commercials for safe sex. In it, all kind of couples, gay, hetero, are being shown, with the girl or guy presenting a jewelbox to the chosen partner. Instead of a ring, there will be a brightly colored condom in it. It's got a funky beat too.

    God, I love my country. Have sex all you want, but be safe, is the message presented to us. And thats smart too, I mean, telling people absinance is what you should do? ....


    Blue Bubblegum Girl

  • Mac

    I've heard that a time share program is a much more economical alternative to occupying a condom than sole ownership..especially for those who just use them while on vacation!

  • talesin


    In it, all kind of couples, gay, hetero, are being shown

    This is MOST excellent.

    If I ever emigrate, it will be to Netherlands.

    My personal heroes from WWII, smart sex, and legal weed.

    It doesn't get much better than that.


  • Abaddon

    Why guilt?

    Why jealousy?

    Guilt could arguably be defined as 'a feeling of nervousness and/or a fear of discovery over having broken a taboo of ones social group'. As there are negative conceqences to breaking a social taboo, ranging from loss of status through expulsion to death, anyone lacking the 'hardware' (innate instincts) for responding to this social conditioning would fair less well than those that did respond to it. Other social animals show similar awareness of what they can and can't do without getting into trouble with their social group or the leaders thereof.

    Jealousy is easy; for men, sexual jealousy is an obvious defence mechanism for their chosen partner having another males babies. Perhaps because investment in offspring is so much lower for men in H. sapiens, jealousy is often more characterised as a female trait. Women have a high investment in offspring; they chose viable surporters as distinct from fertile wombs. ANyhone threatening the attentions of their chosen male threatens the support that male could provide the female and her offspring. Individuals with a sense of jealousy that made them able to proactively prevent their being usurped by another would fair better in the long run.

    Stir in inheitance and brew for 1,000 generations, and whalla!

    This is one of the things about the general outline of evolutionary theory; it fits what we see.

    I think a major change took place with the move from hunter-gatherer to a pastoral and early agricultural culture; it looks likes this is when the idea of women as a commodity occured. Natural hominid instincts became codified into marriage structures where the man was on top, so to speak. This just builds into the suseptability humans have for responding to socialisation which will allow them to fit with their group better.

    It doesn't have to be that way. Some North African tribes have far looser marriage arrangements where it is accepted that discrete liaisons will take place with other people, and where it is acepted that marriages can end. Comparing this behaviour to our sexual biology shows a high degree of correspondence. Other cultures, such as the Japanese, are actually very different attitudes to Western ones with regards to sexuality; Japan is a good example of a culture where the practise of a culture differs from what one might think from a casual observation; sexual guilt there, is from what I've read, a different thing entirely.

  • blaid
    Sex without love is merely healthy exercise.

    So true! I hear its the equivilent of 100 situps, 100 pushups and jogging 5 miles!...or so I hear...

  • Perry
    Is it the fact that, up until the last few decades, occassions of intercourse often ended up in pregnancy and all that that entails?

    That has got to be a huge reason. I mean if parents don't take care of the children, they become a liability to the community. Hence, the huge emphasis on monogamy.... even if not practised by those who preach it at times.

    Interesting thread.

  • berylblue
    Always keep your condoms in the car."

    TOO FRIGGIN' FUNNY, Sereptitious!

  • primitivegenius

    OMG syrup lol hahaha that is freaking hilarious

  • frenchbabyface

    LOL surreptitious !!!

    Ok have only read the first page before to write this (but I'm gonna read then) just wanted to say THAT :

    SEX is just SEX ...

    assume what you are don't lie to yourself or to other to get what you want or what you shouldn't want because of your own promises (and in this case if you still want it, keep it as a fantasy - till you get a chance to get over it and realised that every woman and man are same and that you are not missing that much !!!)


    assume what you domeans take care and pay cash your mistake without crying or and put the blame on others

    That is all what we need to deal with about sex ! till and even when we get over the wrong influences about it ...

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