
by SpunkyChick 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • SpunkyChick

    I have two great friends who seem to have major issues in their relationships. Lately it seems they can only discuss their on again/off again relationships. Both of these friends have literally broken up with their boyfriends and gotten back together three times in the past 3 months. I am trying to be supportive and help them get through this time, but am honestly sick of hearing about it every night and need some positives in my life. Am I a horrible friend to feel this way? Any of you sometimes get bogged down with other people's troubles?

  • SpunkyChick

    Eeeeps!! I forgot the "d" in friendship!! *am i bad???*

  • StinkyPantz

    I can relate Spunky. I am a listener by nature, but honestly relationship issues get to me. If a person continues to break up with and get back together with a person, I don't have much sympathy.

    That's the only real issue that I hate hearing about or discussing. . .I wonder why?

    Editted to add: I noticed the lack of the "d" as well. Fix it!!

  • SpunkyChick

    Stinky -

    Good to hear someone else feels this way. I felt horrible when one friend persistently asked why I hadn't been speaking to her for awhile and I finally unloaded. I feel bad now because she's now engaged to this guy who's an alcoholic and spends all his money on pot and booze. I don't make any comments about anything relationship anymore. After all she's gotta live with em!!

  • xjw_b12

    Spunky and Stinky on the very same thread....wooo hooo.

    Spunky. Freindships like that can be a drag, but do your best to be supportive. Cause ya know, that sumday the shoe's gonna be on da udder foote !

  • SpunkyChick

    XJW - I am trying to be supportive. However, I feel better at the moment, not hearing about their dramatic issues!!!

  • SpunkyChick

    oh and another thought: I doubt the shoe will ever be on my foot; as I've NEVER in 24 years of my life broken up and reaquainted myself with an ex-boyfriend, let alone three times. When I'm done with em, I moooooooove on to the next fish in the sea....

  • Maverick

    You are being an enabler, if you really want to support these people tell them to move on and quit eating the same crap and whining about the taste!

    I had an employee that got married. In the weeks that followed he bitched about everything his wife did. At first I would sympathize with him. One day I asked him if he had lived with this girl before he married her? He said yes, about a year. I was shocked, and asked if she did any of the things he told me about before they were married? He said, "All of them!" I told him he should never bring up his wife again, he knew what she was like and he was only telling me how stupid HE was for marrying her! I never heard another thing about her. (I liked her when I met her.) Maverick

  • StinkyPantz


    I love you girl. This is me EXACTLY (even the age):

    oh and another thought: I doubt the shoe will ever be on my foot; as I've NEVER in 24 years of my life broken up and reaquainted myself with an ex-boyfriend, let alone three times. When I'm done with em, I moooooooove on to the next fish in the sea....
  • SpunkyChick

    Maverick - You are right! Thank you for your thoughts and story. I will stop feeling guilty about not wanting to hear their whining crap.

    Stinky - I luv you too gurl!! It comforts me to know we are on the same page!!

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