This Cult sucks, I loath it. I don't understand Why my wife will not leave

by goingthruthemotions 20 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    Yes, Lett-god be true - good pun Half banana.

    Another thought - am watching a man blowing the dust of his apostate gun to fire it a man of great integrity. Just wondering if the one holding the apostate gun is on anti-depressants. When you have to do stuff that makes your conscience uncomfortable, tablets can ease the discomfort.

    What responsibility do professionals who support this kind of activity with prescription drugs have? Can we get reparations for the damage done to our lives through inapporpirate prescriptions to elders?

    Ok I'm not holding my breath and I ain't going out rioting. But how can someone learn how bad their hateful actions are when Mr G P Pharmacy is feeding them Prozac?

  • Tameria2001

    My question to those JWs who buy those "to go" bags? Where are they going to go to? Meaning will they have shelter and safety where they are going to. And what about the current pandemic, they surely don't want to go around others who they don't know, because it won't take much to spread it.

    That is just another fear tactic to keep them in line with the Watchtower, like the good little life stock they are. And before someone says I'm not life stock, then why are they always calling people sheep and goats? LIFE STOCK, in the Watchtower's eyes people, are nothing more, both those in and out.

  • smiddy3

    "Go To Bags" where are they going to go to ?

    Why the same places they have always gone to when things get tough and out of their control.

    The governments for pensions and health care cards .

    Religious institutions that offer accommodation ,food parcels ,soup kitchens, clothing etc.

    Christendoms Religious institutions such as aged care when they get old and can`t look after themselves .

    Because the Jehovah`s Witness religion offers absolutely no help whatsoever of a practical nature to any of their members young or old.

    Their attitude is :

    You can rely on Satan`s system of things to help you in your need.

  • joe134cd

    I think there has to be a significant event ,that works as a catalyst, that literally forces us to see the org from a different perspective. Some people receive a shock and learn from it, and others don’t. My shock came in the form a question from well meaning work colleague. I could of just passed it off, and to be honest my life would of been a whole lot easier if I did. 18 months after that question I physically walked out the door, hurt and disillusioned. Sorry but you wife hasn’t had these set of circumstances yet. I wish you the best.

  • hybridous

    Because she's in it for emotional reasons, not intellectual ones. Often fear is what keeps people stuck. It's not like your wife is some unique case. It happens all the time. People lived through 1975 and stayed.

    This is the brutal truth of the situation. I heard a great quote paraphrase:

    'You can't REASON people out of beliefs that they didn't REASON themselves into in the first place!'

    This is exactly why when you enter battle with a JW – full frontal assault, armed with relevant facts and sound logic…it doesn’t budge them. The weapons of reason and evidence are only meaningful on a different battlefield – and it’s not where the minds of true JW believers reside.

    The only response you can have, is to disconnect yourself (as much as possible), from the outcome. If we have expectations that other people see, and feel, and do as we would prefer, we set ourselves up for frustration and disappointment. We can't control others. They don't meet our expectations. They let us down.

    It is a terrible irony that when dealing with JW family, we must emotionally segregate ourselves (partially) from those we care for. But this is the truth of the matter. It is only within that narrow slice of emotional segregation that we (on the outside) are able to sustainably exist and deal with them. Any lack of precise balance will compel you into delusion beside her (unlikely!), until you find it insufferable, and then forcibly rejected for your lack of participation in such delusion.

    It is within that narrow slice that we can live. It is burdensome – but less so than living as a true-believer in an abusive cult. So, you’ve got THAT going for you. Within that narrow slice you can strike a balance, catch your breath, and still be in a relationship with your wife.

    I wish you the best going forward. Let us know how things go for you.

  • Vidiot
    joe134cd - "My shock came in the form a question from well meaning work colleague."

    Mind if I ask what it was? Just curious.

  • joe134cd

    vidiot = The rate of divorce with in various faith based groups, compared to U.S States that identify with no religion.

  • Balaamsass2

    DO NOT make any frontal attacks. Provide fun alternatives during meeting times. Ask sincere questions. Don't chase a kitten...bait it.

  • cyberjesus

    Shes connected to the Matrix.... its not a joke, not even an allegory.... shes is mentally under control.

    You are living with a ZOMBIE....

    Accept it and learn to live with it..... or not and leave... there are no more options


    Smitty3 Because the Jehovah`s Witness religion offers absolutely no help whatsoever of a practical nature to any of their members young or old.

    That's why there are no fruits from the WTS. You could never get good fruit from an org that promotes lying. Lying not only to possible critics, but lying to it's own members for recruitment and retention. No fruits what so ever, yet people remain. Quite perplexing,,,,,

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