People are 'normally' willing to die for love and 'normally' only willing to kill for hate.
As dying seems to be rather more inconvenient, on the surface of it love is stronger.
Of course, then you have the misguided zealots who act as suicide bombers. These seemingly break the rule of love being stonger. But perhaps in their own mind (distorted as it is with rhetoric), they are dying for love; love of an oppressed people.
However, it's hard to imagine hate motivating people to do anything quite as big, as for example, setting up a charity to help Indonesian and English kids to know more each other as a result of the Bali bombings; founded by people who lost loved ones in the bombings. The hate that one could fall victim to in such a circumstance can be no way near as the love that leads one out of that dreadful sitaution, a love that maybe just maybe leads us towards a better way.
I like Martin Luther King's statement;
'the long slow curve of humanity is towards justice'.
In the final analysis, hate can burn itself out. Love can't. Love is stonger than gravity, hate's not in the same league.