Bearded students on Ministry school?

by NikL 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finkelstein

    I wonder what Jesus would do with the elders hand book

    Words of men are not my words but of their own, if their words are not

    in accordance to my instructions, they are not true devoted followers of me but of themselves.

    Because of that when the day of judgment arrives l will reject them for being faithful and loyal only to themselves, I will rebuke them and say I do not know you.

    I personally wouldn't want to be a JWS or either a GB head come judgment day ......... just saying

  • blondie
  • blondie

    Now when you see a GB member with a beard on the platform or on a will be okay then. I wonder how big the rule book is in heaven for the anointed and if they will have a new boy/new girl school for them.

  • Finkelstein

    Wouldn't the GB men have a shit if Jesus returned looking like this

  • SAHS

    I grew a big, bushy beard in the 1990s and was told that “the beard must go” if I wanted to remain on the Theocratic Ministry School. The elders said that it was “regionally determined” and that “we are ultra conservative.” (My folks had been away in Québec for a week, during which I had let my beard grow, and I decided to keep it.) It was in a rather small town.

    Meanwhile, a Jamaican brother in the other congregation already had a goatee – and had already been on the ministry school for some time.

    When the elders advised me that “the beard must go,” then I actually went to high-end city lawyer’s office and had them courier a very detailed opinion letter to our presiding overseer / coordinator of the body of elders, my dad, and the Canadian branch legal department!

    As a result, fortunately for me, the branch office called our presiding overseer and actually told HIM off! According to my dad (a well-known and long-time elder), the Bethel told our presiding overseer to the effect that that is not how we do things. My dad informed me that I had, in effect, won my case!

    The very idea that the local elders felt that they could – and should – micromanage every little detail of their congregation’s lives, right down to their dress and grooming, left a most definite and pronounced bitter taste in my mouth – which was to eventually validate and inspire my departure from the Jehovah's Witness sect (at least mentally, for now).

  • Finkelstein

    Keep in mind that the WTS wants its public sales representatives to look clean, honest and righteously pure when out in the literature distribution work or giving talks at kingdom Halls and Assemblies..

    There is an formative image that the WTS is trying to sell and perhaps allure people toward.

    Like a car salesman

  • Simon

    Isn't is bizarre when you think back - at an assembly it would be unheard of for someone with a beard to be given the "privilege" of giving a talk from the platform.

    But everyone would then watch the drama where people dressed up in robes and fake beards to pretend to be Jesus or some other bible character.

  • Finkelstein

    Yes good point Simon

  • SAHS


    ”: “As recently as October 7, 1949, the new east window of Stepney Parish Church, the mother church of East London, England, was unveiled by the Earl of Athlone. The photograph of this church window, as published in "The Illustrated London News," October 1, 1949, shows a cross with a young man nailed to it, beardless and with short hair, to represent "Christ crucified, but triumphant."

    Thanks - interesting

    Artist was:

    The Church is:

    (the website wrongly says it is the West Window )

    And notice also that Jesus is shown on a CROSS!

    Now, a totally clean-shaven “man” on a little telephone pole, as was depicted so earnestly by “judge” Rutherford – well, that really IS ridiculous, isn’t it?

  • Finkelstein

    If the Hebrews of ancient Israel had beards and the sides of their heads left uncut like that picture I posted, it is highly most likely that Jesus or Yeshu did so as well.

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