Wedding Present: The Family Happiness book

by Nosferatu 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • Thirdson

    :That is if you choose to be a full-time homemaker, but of course you can always hire a nanny

    You can always give the book to the nanny. I am sure he will love the book too. If you cannot afford a nanny and the husband stays at home while the wife goes to work then I guess he should read all the parts for the homemaker.


  • ikhandi
    When I got married in June, 1992, a Bethelite from Brooklyn (John Love) gave me an my wife both a bible and songbook with our names engraved on them.

    At the time, I told him that his gift was my favorite one.

    Funchback you didn't love those little perks? My friends in bethel would send me bibles and songbooks too with name on them. I loved it to the tenth degree. I'm such a dork!

    The family life book sucked. It crammed the idea of traditional gender roles down your throat.

  • Funchback

    ikhandi said...

    Funchback you didn't love those little perks? My friends in bethel would send me bibles and songbooks too with name on them. I loved it to the tenth degree. I'm such a dork!

    LOL! I hear you...I hear you! Our gifts included: cash, appliances, dishes, drinking glasses, clocks, crystal, etc. Yet, somehow I actually told John Love that HIS gift was the best and most thoughtful. UUUFFF! ikhandi, if YOU are a DORK, then you and me must share DNA.

  • berylblue

    Like were you on drugs, Funchback?

  • Funchback


    The only drug I was taking was the one that you ingest through the ears: Talks and presentations at the Kingdom Hall.

  • pamkw

    Basically, women like to work under a ceiling of authority, provided that it is exercised properly. I have never liked being under any authority. That is probably why I am divorced. He wasn't a jw, but he had the man as head crap down real good. I told him that was not how it was going to be. And I ended up making most of the decision, especially the ones concerning my kids. Stuff like the above was why I always wanted my children but not marriage. My mother could never understand that. Pam

  • jwbot

    fortunately pam, not all men feel that they are the authority over women. There are some good guys out there ;) And women too!

  • BluesBrother

    Of all the publications, this one was the worst . It led to so many family arguments , and everyone hated it. There was "Making Your Family Life Happy" in 1978, reprised as "The Secret of Family Happiness" in 1996.

    I lost count of the number of times we had to study the useless thing

    I know that all the old biddies would use the study as a platform to air their prejudices "Children should be seen and not heard" , and the younger parents who were actively trying to bring up kids, would seethe inwardly.

    By the way, wifely submission is a pipe dream of chauvanistic men. "Sisters" pay lip service to it but make sure they do want they want!

  • outnfree


    The best suggestion was sending your mom CoC as a Thank You Note.

    But reading your reactions to the quotes , I'm now wondering if you mightn't take a little more time before getting married... Perhaps the example your parents set in front of you has skewed your outlook on healthy male-female relations.


    What an absolutely stunningly intelligent commentary you provided us!


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